This Week in New York State Government
- Governor Cuomo Signs Legislation to Provide Enhanced Disability Retirement Benefits for New York City Firefighters
- Governor Cuomo Enacts Country’s Most Comprehensive Worker Protections Against Hidden Payroll Card Fees
- Governor Cuomo Announces $3 Million Available to Municipalities for Zero-Emission Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure
- Governor Cuomo Hosts Regional Sustainable Development and Collaborative Governance Conference in Buffalo
- Governor Cuomo Announces Growth in Summer Season Attendance at New York State Parks
- Governor Cuomo Signs Legislation to Modernize New York’s Alcoholic Beverage Control Law
- Governor Cuomo Announces Genesee Brewery Expansion to Create 128 Jobs in Rochester
- Governor Cuomo Calls for Aggressive New Water Quality Protections
- Governor Cuomo Signs Landmark Legislation to Test Drinking Water in New York Schools for Lead Contamination
- Governor Cuomo Announces Final Historic Record-Setting Attendance at the 2016 Great New York State Fair
- Governor Cuomo Announces $2.1 Million in Federal Funding for Hazard Mitigation Projects in the City of Amsterdam and the Village of Schoharie
- Governor Cuomo Announces Attendance Record Shattered at the 2016 Great New York State Fair
- Governor Cuomo Announces New York Firefighting Team Returns from Battling 180,300-Acre Wildfire in Idaho
- Governor Cuomo Announces Carey Gabay Scholarship Program Winners
- The State of New York 9/2/16 – “Celebrating Our Champions”
- Governor Cuomo and the Six Nations Agricultural Society Announce $750,000 Revitalization of the Great New York State Fair’s Indian Village
- Governor Cuomo Announces $1.8 Million to Spur Economic Development in Eight Upstate Communities
- Governor Cuomo Announces Sales and Use Tax Exemption for Feminine Hygiene Products Now in Effect
- Governor Cuomo Announces Opening of New Porter Avenue Ramp Into Peace Bridge Plaza
- Governor Cuomo Announces Second Round of Funding to Increase Use of Locally Grown Foods in New York Schools
- Comptroller DiNapoli Audit: OGS Veteran-Owned Business Program Off to Good Start
- Comptroller DiNapoli Releases School Audits
- Comptroller DiNapoli Releases Lower Manhattan Economic Snapshot
- Comptroller DiNapoli and Attorney General Schneiderman Announce Arrest of Florida Man for Theft of Over $180,000 in NYS Pension Benefits
- Comptroller DiNapoli: Pension Contribution Rates Remain Stable for Fiscal Year 2017-18
Attorney General:
- Attorney General Schneiderman Issues Legal Opinion Clarifying that New York State’s Criminal Law Does Not Interfere With Reproductive Health Rights Ensured by Roe V. Wade and Later Cases
- Attorney General Schneiderman Announces Arrest of Former Long Island Group Home Worker for Alleged Abuse of Disabled Resident
- Attorney General Schneiderman Launches Antitrust Investigation Into Mylan Pharmaceuticals Inc., Maker of Epipen
- Attorney General Schneiderman Releases 2016 Labor Day Report Highlighting Past Year’s Major Accomplishments in Advancing the Rights of Workers
- Attorney General Schneiderman and Comptroller DiNapoli Announce Arrest of Florida Man for Theft of Over $180,000 in NYS Pension Benefits
Empire State Development Corporation:
- New York State Photonics Board Announces Site Selector Hired to Identify the Location of AIM Photonics’ TAP Facility in Rochester
- Empire State Development Announces Optimax Systems, Inc. to Upgrade Research and Development Operations in Wayne County
- Empire State Development Announces Bassmaster Elite Pros Return to Central New York This Weekend
This Week in New York City Government
Want more news? View previous versions:
- This Week in New York State Government: September 1, 2016
- This Week in New York State Government: August 25, 2016
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