This Week in New York State Government
Governor Cuomo:
- Governor Cuomo Signs the New York State Democracy Protection Act to Secure the Integrity of New York Elections: First State in the Nation to Enact Comprehensive Legislation That Brings Accountability and Transparency to Political Ads on All Media Platforms
- Governor Cuomo Announces Next Step to Modernize New York State Thruway’s 27 Service Areas
- Governor Cuomo Signs Bill to Protect New York Taxpayers from Federal Tax Increases on Tax Day
- Governor Cuomo Vetoes 259 Legislative Additions to the FY 2019 Enacted Budget
- Governor Cuomo Announces $4.5 Million in Funding Available for Environmental Justice Community Impact Grants
- Video, Audio & Rush Transcript: Governor Cuomo Signs Bill on Tax Day Protecting New Yorkers from Federal Tax Increases
- Governor Cuomo Announces Groundbreaking at University at Albany’s Emerging Technology and Entrepreneurship Complex
- Governor Cuomo Announces $4.5 Million in Funding Available for Environmental Justice Community Impact Grants
- Governor Cuomo Announces New Initiative to Develop Artificial Reefs on Long Island’s Coast and Increase the Biodiversity of New York’s Marine Life
- Governor Cuomo Announces $2.9 Million in Lake Ontario Flood Relief Funds for Shoreline Municipalities
- Governor Cuomo Announces Groundbreaking of $16 Million Mixed-Use Affordable Housing Development in Syracuse
- Governor Cuomo Announces Grand Opening of $20.2 Million Rehabilitation of 59 Affordable Apartments in the City of Auburn
- Govenor Cuomo Directs Department of Labor to Issue Notice to Hospitals Following Allegations of Threatening and Coercive Behavior at Albany Med
- Governor Cuomo Announces Over 5 Million New Yorkers Enrolled in State’s Donate Life Registry as Organ Donors
State Senate and Assembly
Comptroller DiNapoli:
- State Comptroller DiNapoli Releases Municipal Audits
- DiNapoli Audit: State Oversight of Animal Shelters Found to Be Adequate, But Better Safeguards Needed Before Dogs Are Euthanized
- NY State Comptroller DiNapoli Statement on Pew Charitable Trusts Ranking State Pension Fund One of Top in Nation
Attorney General Schneiderman:
- Operation Bob The Builder: A.G. Schneiderman Announces Indictment Charging Warren County Couple With Money Laundering Scheme And Theft Of Over $1.2 Million
- A.G. Schneiderman Announces Conviction Of Rome City School Board Clerk For Defrauding The New York State Gaming Commission
- A.G. Schneiderman Launches Inquiry Into Cryptocurrency “Exchanges”
- A.G. Schneiderman Announces 120 Guns Turned In At White Plains Gun Buyback
- A.G. Schneiderman Announces State Prison Sentences For Capital Region Pair Convicted Of Money Laundering And Wide-Ranging Fraud Scheme
This Week in New York City Government
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