Capalino Insider: Q&A with Felipe Rocha, Finance and Benefits Administration Associate

Felipe Rocha, Finance and Benefits Administration Associate, Capalino

What do you specialize in at Capalino?

Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, and internal financial coordination with a synthesis of insurance and benefits administration.

If you could have dinner with one legend, who would it be?

Theodore Roosevelt. Plausibly the public relations pioneer who solidified a place in history as a remarkable leader in steering our country into world politics and he was the 1st President to win a Nobel Peace Prize. 

If you could have any other job, what would it be?

A multi-world champion Formula 1 driver

What is your favorite book to read?

Every year I pick up Niccolo Machiavelli’s “The Prince”

What’s one thing nobody knows about you?  

I’m learning to ride an electric unicycle!

If you could live in any other city besides NYC, where would it be?

Venice, Italy.  As an architectural wonder of the world anchored in so much history, like NYC, one could easily get lost within the labyrinth of “streets” or in this case canals. As an added bonus, how awesome would it be to take your boat out to work every day?

If you had a special power, what would it be?

Teleportation.  With this power one can save a lot of time and get more out of the day, plus, no carbon footprint!

Read Felipe’s Bio

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