Capalino Collaborates with Mayor de Blasio, Asphalt Green and UES Residents to Improve Pedestrian Safety


Asphalt Green CampusOver one year ago, we first sat with Mayor Bill de Blasio to start a dialogue about how to kick off the collaborative process around mitigating the impact of the East 91st Street Marine Transfer Station (MTS). The facility will store and transfer solid waste from four districts in Manhattan.

On Friday, July 31, 2015, Mayor de Blasio agreed to move the access ramp away from our client Asphalt Green, a not-for-profit organization dedicated to assisting individuals of all ages and backgrounds to achieve health through fitness.

Capalino is proud to have been part of the team of elected officials and community advocates that spent months brainstorming and planning various solutions, with special thanks to Rich Kassel of Gladstein, Neandross & Associates, Sam Schwartz of Sam Schwartz Engineering, and Risa Heller Communications for their contributions. Finally, a compromise was reached with the proposal for the new access ramp – a solution that will have a greatly mitigated impact on the community without impairing the City’s access to the facility.

Asphalt Green Logo“Today the families of Asphalt Green can breathe a huge sigh of relief… for this important decision that will make our streets and community safer,” said Andrew Nussbaum, Chairman of Asphalt Green.

See the full story as reported by Capital New York:

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