Capalino at SOMOS 2023


Capalino joined forces with The New York Black Women’s Political Club and The Young Latinos to host the “Let’s Get to Work!” brunch for 150+ people at SOMOS 2023 in San Juan, Puerto Rico, focusing on cross-cultural workforce development. We hosted more than a dozen city and state elected officials, nonprofit executives and industry leaders across several panels, discussing job readiness and the labor market facing young people in New York City.

Capalino Principal Karina Jimenez and BWPC leader Paurcha Edwards MC’d the event, which covered conversations on: How can we bring together government resources, nonprofit organizations, private companies and industry leaders to ensure a talent pipeline that reflects the diversity of New York City communities? What does a forward-thinking workforce look like, and how can we transform our dialogues into action?

We were thrilled to host the following speakers:

Welcome Remarks

Panel 1: Programs, Bills & Initiatives at the City and State Levels

Panel 2: Social Capital

Downstate Outreach Director for Lieutenant Governor Antonio Delgado, Ashley Meza, spoke about her own experience transitioning from public school student to college student to member of the workforce:

“We need to look at the whole student, not just the score they receive on their test. It’s not up to just our educators to solve this problem, it has to be all of us chipping in: government working with business partners, our nonprofits, our service organizations. It has to be a collective.”

Ashley Meza, Downstate Outreach Director, Lieutenant Governor Antonio Delgado

Capalino has served many clients in the realm of workforce development and social impact:

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