MWBE NYC  provides subscribers with access to vital information including weekly announcements and RFP notices for  businesses that are seeking MWBE assistance.

Updated RFP Announcements:

Comptroller RFP
On December 5th, the Comptroller’s Office released a Request for Information (RFI) in order to invite responses and gather information regarding options for electronic processing of contract invoices and payments. The Comptroller is seeking information regarding new technologies and approaches to inform the transition of the invoice submission, review, and approval processes from their mostly paper-based current state to an electronic solution in a secure, scalable, and cost effective manner.

The RFI can be found here.

The Comptroller’s Office is considering holding a pre-submission conference in order to allow interested vendors to comment and ask questions.  If you are interested in attending a Q&A session if scheduled, please indicate your interest by emailing by December 22, 2014.

Any questions about the RFI are due by January 5, 2015, and should be submitted to Richard Friedman at

All responses are due on January 16, 2015, and should be submitted to

For additional information about MWBE NYC or to sign up for our directory and alerts, feel free to contact Tunisha W. Walker at (212) 616-5837.

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