Capalino Insider: Q&A with Ellen Katradis, Executive Assistant

Ellen Katradis, Executive Assistant, Capalino, Agency Resolution and Problem Solving

What do you specialize in at Capalino?

I assist the Agency Problem Solving team, which specializes in navigating regulatory processes and securing permits, licenses and approvals from various City, State and governmental agencies. I help them in any capacity to function properly and service clients to the best of their ability.

What is your favorite place in NYC, and why?

The entire city. Since I was a child, I’ve always loved coming into the city and still do!

If you could have dinner with one legend, who would it be?

Robin Williams or Lou Costello

What is your favorite book?

The Island by Victoria Hislop

If you could live in any other city besides NYC, where would it be?

Sparta, Greece

Read Ellen’s Bio

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