Capalino Insider: Q&A with Jeanne Mullgrav, Group Leader, Social Impact and Nonprofit Advisory

Capalino Insider: Q&A with Jeanne Mullgrav, Group Leader, Social Impact and Nonprofit Advisory

What do you specialize in at Capalino?

As leader of Capalino’s Social Impact practice area, I provide support and strategic advice to nonprofits and Corporate Social Responsibility planning and implementation for companies. Giving back is an important part of the firm’s culture, so I also oversee our internal CSR strategy and community partnerships.

What is your favorite thing to do in NYC?

I enjoy listening to live music.

If you could have dinner with one legend, who would it be?

Eleanor Roosevelt

What is your proudest accomplishment? 

Helping the Fair Futures Campaign obtain $10 million dollars from the City to provide coaching and tutoring to young people in and aging out of foster care.

If you could have any other job, what would it be?

I would be a wealthy philanthropist and start a foundation that funds jobs programs with training for disaffected youth throughout the country.  

If you could live in any other city besides NYC, where would it be?

Miami. It has great weather, culture and entertainment and it is the gateway to Latin America.

What advice would you give your younger self?

I would tell my younger self not to worry so much. Everything has a way of working out.

Read Jeanne’s Bio

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