Current RFPs: Week of January 13, 2022


Grand Central Terminal Holiday Fair License Opportunity


Agency: Grand Central Terminal

Proposal Due Date: 3pm ET, February 6, 2023

The Metropolitan Transportation Authority is seeking proposals from qualified parties interested in a short-term license to operate and manage the Holiday Fair Grand Central Terminal.

Prospective licensees must be able to manage all aspects of the Holiday Fair, from the vendor selection process, to booth installation, marketing and day-to-day management. The goal is to create a truly a unique, curated experience for the customer with a focus on quality craftsmanship and products made in New York City region and the United States. Optional site visits will take place via appointment prior to January 30, 2023 in Vanderbilt Hall.


Ryan Kelleher,

Leasing of Streetfront Retail Space at the Bay Parkway Station

RFP ID: #BP012023

Agency: MTA New York City Transit

Proposal Due Date: 3pm ET, February 28, 2023

The MTA is offering three retail units adjacent to a busy subway station in the heart of Bensonhurst neighborhood in Brooklyn. The three units are located directly in the station building facing Bay Parkway on the westside entrance. The station recently underwent a major capital renovation that included new brickwork on the facade and larger windows for each of the offered retail units.

Units Two (2) and Three (3) are contiguous and upon structural assessment, can be combined to create one unit. The spaces offer ample frontage along Bay Parkway, as well as the ability to vent for cooking and restaurant uses. The neighborhood includes national retail tenants such as McDonald’s, Dunkin’, Chase, and HSBC Bank. The area also has significant pedestrian and vehicular traffic.


Bernhard Weinstabel,
Christopher Betting,
Dean Rosenzweig,
Mikhaela Tropp,
Raymond Smyth,

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