Current RFPs: Week of June 27, 2016
If you are interested in pursuing business opportunities pertaining to procurement, please contact Mark Thompson or Tunisha W. Walker.
The following Request for Proposals have been recently issued by City government:
Outside Litigation Counsel
June 30, 2016- New York City Economic Development Corporation (NYCEDC) is seeking one or more law firms to serve as outside litigation counsel to NYCEDC in connection with certain pre-litigation and litigation matters related to lease enforcement, property management and other landlord-tenant and commercial litigation issues. This representation may include insurance, bankruptcy and other business and real estate issues as well as collection work. The successful Respondents will investigate pre-litigation matters, draft litigation-related documents including summonses, complaints, affidavits, briefs, court submissions, stipulations, settlements and ancillary agreements; will represent NYCEDC at court hearings and other legal proceedings; undertake any necessary related legal research; render legal advice and perform collection work on behalf of NYCEDC; provide NYCEDC with legal advice on landlord-tenant issues pertaining to tenants, licensees, permittees, squatters, operators, and other occupants; and review and provide NYCEDC with legal advice regarding appropriate agreements, leases, licenses, permits, financing documents, mortgages, guarantees, and other legal instruments.
NYCEDC plans to select one or more law firms on the basis of factors stated in the RFP which include, but are not limited to: the quality of the proposal, experience of key staff identified in the proposal, experience and quality of any subcontractors proposed, demonstrated successful experience in performing services similar to those encompassed in the RFP.
Companies who have been certified with the New York City Small Business Services as Minority and Women Owned Business Enterprises (“M/WBE”) are strongly encouraged to apply. To find out more about M/WBE certification, please call 311 or go to www.nyc.gov/getcertified.
Designer Trash Basket for NYC Street Corners
June 30, 2016– High end receptacle litter baskets. The trash basket must be aesthetically pleasing/ non offensive and able to withstand up to five years of normal use.
Pin number: 8571600188
Integrated Electronic Security System and Fire Detection System
June 30, 2016- The Consultant shall provide quality assurance oversight and administration services during the Design-Build Contract BW-39/RK-60. The Consultant’s Scope of Work includes but is not limited to: (i) review Design-Builder compliance with all the Contract requirements; (ii) provide design quality assurance oversight, including over the shoulder reviews during the Project; (iii) review design submittals; (iv) monitor the progress of the Design-Build Contract work; (v) provide construction quality assurance oversight including independent confirmatory inspection and testing; (vi) act as the on-site representative of the Engineer; (vii) evaluate the Design-Builder’s payment requests and (viii) prepare and submit monthly project reports.
The Contract range is $3M – $5M.
The Consultant shall provide at minimum the following: (a) D-B Quality Assurance Engineer; (b) Field Engineer(s) and (c) Office Engineer. The D-B Quality Assurance Engineer must be a Professional Engineer registered in the State of New York. All respondents must comply with NYS Education Law Section 7209. Prospective Consultants included in the Expression of Interest or RFP proposal under the solicitation for Project BW-39/RK-60, Design/Build Services for Integrated Electronic Security System and Fire Detection System at the Bronx-Whitestone Bridge and Robert F. Kennedy Bridge Facilities may also participate in the solicitation for PSC-16-2990, Administration and Quality Assurance Oversight for Project BW-39/RK-60. If a Consultant is selected for one contract, it will automatically be removed from consideration for the remaining contract. Consultants are strictly prohibited from participating in both BW-39/RK-60 and PSC-16-2990. This solicitation shall not be awarded without approved funding from the 2015-2019 MTA Capital Program.
Interested firms must submit one (1) original and five (5) copies of a Letter of Interest, Standard Form 330 and the Authority Forms C-021 and RFQ-4 (Rev. 8/22/12).Submittals must be no more than thirty-five (35) pages of text in length printed double-sided; the C-021 and RFQ-4 form will not be included in the 35-page total. All respondents are advised that in the interests of waste reduction and maximizing the potential for recycling, respondents are requested to use at least 30% post-consumer recycled content paper to the extent practicable and to avoid using (i) plastic binders, plastic dividers and/or plastic tabs and comb and velo binding in preparing their submittal. You may obtain the Authority forms C-021, RFQ-4 and SF 330 from our website, http://web.mta.info/bandt/procure/. The Authority will then evaluate these submittals and develop a short list of firms who will receive a Request for Proposal that must be obtained for One Hundred and Fifty ($150.00) dollars. We accept Visa, MasterCard and American Express for the purchase of solicitations. All purchases are non-refundable. International firms must provide checks in US funds (company checks and money orders only; no personal checks or cash). All vendors on the short list of firms to receive a Request for Proposal must follow instructions for SAM and FedBizOpps at www.mta.info/bandt/procure/preactcon.html. If you require services to be provided to you in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, please contact Procurement Administration at (646) 252-7092 or TTY/TDD (646) 252-7089.
Contract term: Three (3) years
County(ies): Bronx
Location: 1 Hutchinson River Parkway, Bronx, NY 10465-1857 and Randall’s Island, NY 10035-5199
2016 Hudson River Estuary Grants for Local Stewardship Planning (Round 18)
June 30, 2016- The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation is pleased to announce funding for projects that will implement priorities of the Hudson River Estuary Action Agenda – to provide benefits of a vital estuary ecosystem: clean water; resilient communities; the sustainability of Estuary fish, wildlife, and habitats; conservation of natural scenery; and enhanced access, river education, and recreational opportunities. The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) anticipates approximately $450,000 in available funding for Hudson River Estuary Grants For Local Stewardship Planning projects for plans, feasibility studies, assessments, inventories, design and permitting, and the development of regionally-applicable guidance documents or handbooks to help communities improve infrastructure and protect water resources and habitat. Funding for this grant opportunity is provided by the NYS Environmental Protection Fund. Hudson River Estuary Grants For Local Stewardship Planning projects must implement objectives of the Hudson River Estuary Action Agenda. The Hudson River Estuary Action Agenda can be viewed at http://www.dec.ny.gov/lands/5104.html . Projects Eligible for state assistance must be located within the geographic boundaries of the Hudson River. Grants will range between a minimum award amount of $10,500, up to a maximum amount of $50,000. Applications must be completed online and are available in the NYS Grants Gateway athttps://www.grantsgateway.ny.gov . The application ID number is DEC01-HRER18-2016. All applicants must register in the Grants Gateway to be eligible to apply for any NYS grant opportunity. All applications must be submitted by 3:00 P.M. June 30, 2016. More information regarding the Hudson River Estuary grant application can be found at http://www.dec.ny.gov/lands/5104.html . Please email all HRE grant opportunity questions to Susan Pepe: Susan.pepe@nulldec.ny.gov. Questions will be accepted by the Department until close of business June 23, 2016. All questions and answers will be posted continuously in the Grants Gateway.
Total MWBE Participation Goals: 30%
Bogardus Plaza: Reconstruction of Hudson Street between Reade and Chambers Streets
June 30, 2016- Companies certified by the New York City Department of Small Business Services as Minority- or Women- Owned Business Enterprises (”M/WBE”) are strongly encouraged to submit a bid.
Pin number: 8502016HW0036C
MTA: Sale of 2,816 SF of Vacant Land
July 1, 2016- Sale of approximately 2,816 square feet of vacant land adjacent to Bogart Street to be apportioned from Brooklyn Block 3056 Lot 32. The apportioned area (128 feet by 22 feet) is located approximately 206 feet northwest of where Bogart Street crosses Johnson Avenue in the industrial neighborhood of Bushwick, Brooklyn.
Furnish, Deliver and Install Select Bus Service (SBS) Bus Wraps
July 6, 2016- Contract Term: 36 months.
3 oz. Size Bar of Soap
July 6, 2016- Issued by the New York City Department of City Administrative Services
Pin number: 8571600374
Optimal Property Management Department Training Services
July 7, 2016- The New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA), by issuing this RFP, seeks proposals from course providers to provide NYCHA with a variety of training classes, including customization, certification testing and award, and training and testing materials, for NYCHA’s property management staff in various roles on topics critical to efficiently and effectively managing public housing while ensuring that NYCHA’s property management staff comply with U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development standards.
NYCHA recommends that Proposers submit, e-mail, written questions to NYCHA’s Coordinator, Meddy Ghabaee at meddy.ghabaee@nullnycha.nyc.gov and cc: Jacques Barbort at Jacques.barbot@nullnycha.nyc.gov by no later than 2:00 PM on June 24, 2016. Questions submitted in writing must include the firm name and the name, title, address, telephone number, fax number and e-mail address of the individual to whom responses to the Proposer’s questions should be given. All questions and answers will be post on NYCHA’s online system iSupplier.
Pin number: 63835
SMD Project-Based Vouchers for Existing Housing
July 7, 2016 – The New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA), is issuing this RFP, invites qualified property owners of eligible projects to submit written proposals demonstrating their project eligibility, qualifications, and interest in securing project-based vouchers to provide affordable housing. Proposers may submit multiple proposals for consideration under this RFP. Each proposal may cover only a single project, which means a single building, multiple contiguous buildings, or multiple buildings on contiguous parcels of land.
A Proposers conference will be held on June 17, 2016 at 10:00 AM, in the Ceremonial Room, located on the 5th floor at 90 Church Street, New York, New York 10007. Although attendance is not mandatory at the Proposers’ Conference, it is strongly recommended that all interested Proposers attend.
Those attending must notify Theresa Hunter at Theresa.Hunter@nullnycha.nyc.gov and cc: Meddy Ghabaee at meddy.ghabaee@nullnycha.nyc.gov by 12:00 PM on June 16, 2016, of their intent to attend.
Proposers shall submit written questions, via e-mail, to NYCHA’s Coordinator, Meddy Ghabaee at meddy.ghabaee@nullnycha.nyc.gov by no later than 12:00 PM on June 16, 2016, and must include the firm name and the name, title, address, telephone number, fax number and e-mail address of the individual to whom responses to the Proposer’s questions should be given. All questions and answers will be posted on iSupplier.
SMD Removal and Installation of Ranges – Marble Hill, Bronx
July 7, 2016- Removal and Installation of Ranges. Install a total of approximately 1682 new kitchen electric ignition gas ranges (922 – 30” ranges and 760 – 20” ranges). Provide any necessary fittings or adaptors to connect new ranges to existing valves, piping, or electrical outlet. The Term of the contract is one (1) year. All plumbing work must be performed by/or under the supervision of a master licensed plumber. A Principal of the firm awarded this contract must be a Licensed Master Plumber.
Pin number: 63794
Opportunity to Bid: Office Supplies
July 7, 2016- Supply and delivery of office supplies and paper.
Pin number: 10198OFFICE SUPPLIES
Carbon Footprint Analysis Services and a Climate Risk Investment Strategy Consultant for the NYC Retirement Systems
July 7, 2016- Seeking firm/s to provide a Carbon Footprint Analysis and/or to identify a Climate Risk Investment Strategy Consultant for for the NYC Retirement Systems.
The Comptroller of The City of New York (the “Comptroller”), acting on behalf of the New York City Retirement Systems and Related Funds (“NYCRS” or “Systems”), has prepared and is distributing a Request for Proposals (“RFP”) to identify a firm or firms to provide a Carbon Footprint Analysis and/or to identify a Climate Risk Investment Strategy Consultant for one or more Systems. Consistent with the policies expressed by the City, proposals from certified minority-owned and/or women-owned businesses or proposals that include partnering arrangements with certified minority-owned and/or women-owned firms are encouraged. Additionally, proposals from small and New York City-based businesses are also encouraged.
Request for Proposals for Family and Youth Development Programs
July 8, 2016- As part of CJII, the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office and the Institute for State and Local Governance (ISLG) are soliciting proposals to expand the capacity of and/or implement family and youth development programs for populations at elevated risk of poor life outcomes, including eventual justice system involvement.
Families living in New York City (and indeed, elsewhere) face stressors that can have a negative effect on youth and family functioning, ranging from challenging living conditions in their communities to disruptions within their families. Interventions that support family and youth development, including bonds within the family and their ability to cope with distressing circumstances, are both effective in preventing maladaptive life outcomes (e.g., school dropout, un- or underemployment, justice system involvement) and cost effective with regard to savings resulting from the avoidance of these outcomes.
Programs funded by CJII could serve families on the continuum from early to targeted prevention, including populations such as expectant mothers, families with young children, and/or families with young adults (i.e., up to age 21) living at home—in or from Manhattan, with preference given to applicants serving residents from four focus neighborhoods: East Harlem, Central and West Harlem, Washington Heights, and the Lower East Side. Eligible programs include those that are:
- evidence-based (i.e., robust demonstration of effectiveness);
- promising (i.e., limited or initial demonstration of effectiveness; or has been implemented with an evidence base in a different context); or
- innovative (i.e., no demonstration of effectiveness but designed with current best practices in mind; e.g., a new program or significant adaptation of an evidence-based program to a new context or for a different client population)
The anticipated total funding for family and youth development programs is up to $13 million over three years.
Architectural/Engineering Design Services Home Elevation Pilot Program
July 8, 2016- St. Bernard Project, through “PROJECT UPLIFT,” will provide direct CDBG-DR assistance to low/moderate income homeowners to cover 100% of the cost (less any benefits already received) to elevate their homes above the minimum base flood elevation (BFE). The purpose of the project is to make these low/moderate income households more resilient in future storm events. The successful Respondent will assist The St. Bernard Project with all design and engineering necessary for safe, affordable, code-compliant, and legally permissible construction and elevation activities for up to forty homes within the relevant communities.
NYC Health and Hospitals FEMA-Funded Design Consultant Services for Bellevue Hospital RFP (MEP/VT)
July 11, 2016- New York City Economic Development Corporation (NYCEDC) is seeking a consultant or consultant team to provide design and construction administrative services for long term mitigation strategies at Bellevue Hospital Center (“Bellevue”). The work encompasses major components at Bellevue for the repair and restoration of damage caused to its facilities by the flood event of Superstorm Sandy, as well as design for work that will be undertaken to mitigate the risk of future storm-related damage.
The Bellevue project (the “Project”) is currently envisioned to include the following components: moving components of MEP infrastructure out of the basement and relocating them to elevated areas, adding new elevators to the outside wall of the hospital creating a resilient egress from the mezzanine level, and associated improvements. The goal of these mitigation strategies is to protect the hospital for the level of protection of a 500-year flood event. These services are expected to be funded through the Community-Development Block Grant-Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) program, and are included in the City’s CDBG-DR Action Plan, approved by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) in May 2013 and as subsequently amended. Portions of the services may also be funded with grant funding provided by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
NYCEDC plans to select a consultant on the basis of factors stated in the RFP which include, but are not limited to: the quality of the proposal, experience of key staff identified in the proposal, experience and quality of any subcontractors proposed, demonstrated successful experience in performing services similar to those encompassed in the RFP, and the proposed fee.
It is the policy of NYCEDC to comply with all federal, state and City laws and regulations which prohibit unlawful discrimination because of race, creed, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, marital status and other protected category and to take affirmative action in working with contracting parties to ensure certified Minority and Women-owned Business Enterprises (MWBEs) share in the economic opportunities generated by NYCEDC’s projects and initiatives. Please refer to the Equal Employment and Affirmative Compliance for Non-Construction Contracts Addendum in the RFP.
This project has Minority and Women Owned Business Enterprise (“M/WBE”) participation goals, and all respondents will be required to submit an M/WBE Sub-Contractors Participation Plan with their response. To learn more about NYCEDC’s M/WBE program, visithttp://www.nycedc.com/opportunitymwdbe. For the list of companies who have been certified with the Empire State Development’s Division of Minority and Women Business Development as M/WBE, please go to thehttp://www.esd.ny.gov/MWBE/directorySearch.html.
NYCEDC established the Kick Start Loan programs for Minority, Women and Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (M/W/DBE) interested in working on NYCEDC projects. Kick Start Loans facilitates financing for short-term mobilization needs such as insurance, payrolls, supplies and equipment. Bidders, sub-contractors and sub-consultants are strongly encouraged to visit the NYCEDC website at www.nycedc.com/opportunitymwdbe to learn more about the program.
Technology Skills Training Services via Classroom
July 11, 2016- The New York City Department of Citywide Administrative Services (“DCAS”) is seeking up to five (5) qualified contractor(s) to provide Technology Skills Training Services that includes instructor-led end-user and application training delivered via the classroom (Service Area I); synchronous Web-based technical IT (Information Technology) certification training that includes professional certification coursework and examination (Service Area II); synchronous Web-based end-user and application training (Service Area III); asynchronous Web-based technical IT training that includes professional certification coursework (Service Area IV); and asynchronous Web-based end-user and application training (Service Area V). There will be an optional Pre-Proposal Conference on Wednesday, May 18, 2016 at 11:00 a.m. in the 18th Floor Pre-Bid Room at DCAS, One Centre Street, New York, NY 10007.
Pin number: 85616P0007
Web Design, Content Management and Support
July 11, 2016- The New York County District Attorney’s Office (DANY) is seeking an appropriately qualified vendor to provide website redesign, web content management services, and ongoing support and maintenance services. The Office’s website, ManhattanDA.org, is currently hosted and administered by an outside vendor and maintained by a small team of DANY staff members who create, manage, and administer content on the site each day using Drupal’s web content management platform. Activities handled by DANY staff members include posting content, including press releases, photo galleries from events, victim resources and community event information; managing event registration and contact forms; and linking live event broadcasting to the site. DANY seeks a qualified, professional firm to work closely with its Communications team to modernize the ManhattanDA.org web presence and improve the site’s accessibility, navigation, search, and interactive functions.
Pin number: 20160600076
NYC Health and Hospitals FEMA-Funded Design Consultant Services for Bellevue Hospital
July 11, 2016- New York City Economic Development Corporation (NYCEDC) is seeking a consultant or consultant team to provide design and construction administrative services for long term mitigation strategies at Bellevue Hospital Center (“Bellevue”). The work encompasses major components at Bellevue for the repair and restoration of damage caused to its facilities by the flood event of Superstorm Sandy, as well as design for work that will be undertaken to mitigate the risk of future storm-related damage.
The Bellevue project (the “Project”) is currently envisioned to include the following components: moving components of MEP infrastructure out of the basement and relocating them to elevated areas, adding new elevators to the outside wall of the hospital creating a resilient egress from the mezzanine level, and associated improvements. The goal of these mitigation strategies is to protect the hospital for the level of protection of a 500-year flood event. These services are expected to be funded through the Community-Development Block Grant-Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) program, and are included in the City’s CDBG-DR Action Plan, approved by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) in May 2013 and as subsequently amended. Portions of the services may also be funded with grant funding provided by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
NYCEDC plans to select a consultant on the basis of factors stated in the RFP which include, but are not limited to: the quality of the proposal, experience of key staff identified in the proposal, experience and quality of any subcontractors proposed, demonstrated successful experience in performing services similar to those encompassed in the RFP, and the proposed fee.
It is the policy of NYCEDC to comply with all federal, state and City laws and regulations which prohibit unlawful discrimination because of race, creed, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, marital status and other protected category and to take affirmative action in working with contracting parties to ensure certified Minority and Women-owned Business Enterprises (MWBEs) share in the economic opportunities generated by NYCEDC’s projects and initiatives. Please refer to the Equal Employment and Affirmative Compliance for Non-Construction Contracts Addendum in the RFP.
This project has Minority and Women Owned Business Enterprise (“M/WBE”) participation goals, and all respondents will be required to submit an M/WBE Sub-Contractors Participation Plan with their response. To learn more about NYCEDC’s M/WBE program, visithttp://www.nycedc.com/opportunitymwdbe. For the list of companies who have been certified with the Empire State Development’s Division of Minority and Women Business Development as M/WBE, please go to thehttp://www.esd.ny.gov/MWBE/directorySearch.html.
NYCEDC established the Kick Start Loan programs for Minority, Women and Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (M/W/DBE) interested in working on NYCEDC projects. Kick Start Loans facilitates financing for short-term mobilization needs such as insurance, payrolls, supplies and equipment. Bidders, sub-contractors and sub-consultants are strongly encouraged to visit the NYCEDC website at www.nycedc.com/opportunitymwdbe to learn more about the program.
SUV, Extended Full Size, Unmarked – NYPD
July 12, 2016- This vehicle will be used in police work including Presidential security, K9 Counter Terrorism support, Bomb Squad response, and dignitary transport.
Pin number: 8571600351
SUV, Full Size, Unmarked – NYPD
July 12, 2016- This vehicle will be used in police work including Presidential security, dignitary transport, and other high profile assignments throughout the Police Department
Pin number: 8571600333
Auction and Storage Services for Surplus Vehicles and Personal Property
July 13, 2016- The New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA), by issuing this RFP, seeks proposals from qualified firms to provide auction services, including professional coordination and processing of designated surplus NYCHA vehicles and other NYCHA equipment, materials or other personal property which NYCHA has previously determined it no longer needs and decided to dispose of. The NYCHA Property will never include real estate. The selected Proposer will be expected to store and safeguard the NYCHA Property, hold auctions as-needed by NYCHA (on at least a monthly basis unless directed by NYCHA to hold auctions on a more or less frequent basis), maintain an inventory documenting the receipt and sale of NYCHA Property (including the sale price and date of sale), select the method of sale which it has reasonably determined will yield the highest price, and dispose of NYCHA Property pursuant to NYCHA procedures once attempts to sell have been exhausted, as detailed more fully within Section II of this RFP. The Services shall also include transportation of all NYCHA Property to the auction facility, storage of the NYCHA Property and performance of customary auction-related duties, including, but not limited to, pre-sale advertising to the general public, and conducting the auction with appropriate personnel, security, accounting, insurance and post-sale organization and reporting and in accordance with applicable laws, rules and regulations, including NYCHA’s Standard Procedures.
A non-mandatory Proposers conference will be held on June 28, 2016, at 11:00 AM, in Room 8060, located on the 8th floor at 250 Broadway, New York, New York 10007. Although attendance is not mandatory at the Proposers Conference, it is strongly recommended that all interested Proposers attend.
Those attending must notify Theresa Hunter at Theresa.Hunter@nullnycha.nyc.gov and cc: Meddy Ghabaee at meddy.ghabaee@nullnycha.nyc.gov by 12:00 PM on June 27, 2016, of their intent to attend.
NYCHA additionally recommends that Proposers submit, via e-mail, written questions in advance of the Proposers Conference to NYCHA’s Coordinator, Meddy Ghabaee at meddy.ghabaee@nullnycha.nyc.gov and cc: Jacques Barbort at Jacques.barbot@nullnycha.nyc.gov by no later than 12:00 PM on June 22, 2016. Questions submitted in writing must include the firm name and the name, title, address, telephone number, fax number and e-mail address of the individual to whom responses to the Proposer’s questions should be given. Proposers will be permitted to ask additional questions at the Proposers’ Conference. All questions and answers will be posted on iSupplier.
Pin number: 63149
Service Life Extension of Suspension Bridges
July 14, 2016- Design services for Project AW-28 a type of bridge in which the deck (the load-bearing portion) is hung below suspension cables on vertical suspenders.
Pin number: PSC162997000
Operating and Maintaining Photo Voltaic Systems
July 21, 2016- New York Power Authority is soliciting proposals from prospective qualified solar developers interested in demonstrating their experience and capability for designing, permitting, financing, constructing, installing, grid interconnection, owning, operating and maintaining photovoltaic (“PV”) energy systems at multiple schools throughout the New York State and selling the energy of these systems to the Districts by entering into long term Power Purchase Agreements.
Operation of a Marina
July 21, 2016- In accordance with Section 1-13 of the Concession Rules of the City of New York, the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation (“Parks”) is issuing, as of the date of this notice, a significant Request for Proposals (”RFP”) for the operation, renovation, and maintenance of a full-service marina in Mill Basin, Brooklyn.
There will be a recommended site visit on June 29, 2016 at 12:00 PM. We will be meeting at the corner of Avenue Y and E 69th Street in Brooklyn. If you are considering responding to this RFP, please make every effort to attend this recommended site visit.
Hard copies of the RFP can be obtained, at no cost, commencing on June 9, 2016 through July 21, 2016, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., excluding weekends and holidays, at the Revenue Division of the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation, which is located at 830 Fifth Avenue, Room 407, New York, NY 10065.
The RFP is also available for download, commencing on June 9, 2016 through July 21, 2016, on Parks’ website. To download the RFP, visit www.nyc.gov/parks/businessopportunities, click on the link for “Concessions Opportunities at Parks” and, after logging in, click on the “download” link that appears adjacent to the RFP’s description.
For more information or to request to receive a copy of the RFP by mail, prospective proposers may contact Eitan Adler, Senior Project Manager, at (212) 360-3454 or at eitan.adler@nullparks.nyc.gov.
Pin number: #B166-D-M
Bus Interior Cleaning
July 21, 2016- New York City Transit and MTA Bus Company (which shall be referred to as The Authority) is seeking an expression of interest in order to identify and obtain information from Industrial Engineers or manufacturers experienced in designing and executing a system of cleaning the interior areas of all of the Authority’s bus fleets at Department of Buses and MTABC facilities system-wide.
This Request for Information (“RFI”) is not a solicitation for bids, which may be solicited by means of a Request for Proposal (“RFP”) at a later date. This RFI has one purpose:
To identify Industrial Engineers or companies that could offer an efficient, effective and safe process, using technology and equipment, to thoroughly clean the buses’ interior.
The Authority is particularly interested in interior bus cleaning alternatives that has the following attributes:
- Save time and effort in the more laborious tasks, such as floor mopping and surface (window, wall, and ceiling) washing.
- Should not include the use of steam or pressure washers.
Requests for Proposals for Youth Opportunity Hubs
July 22, 2016- As part of CJII, the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office and the Institute for State and Local Governance (ISLG) are soliciting proposals to plan, pilot, and implement Youth Opportunity Hubs to provide wraparound support and opportunities to youth and young adults.
Preventing antisocial behavior and addressing risk factors for delinquency can help young people avoid juvenile and criminal justice system involvement, ultimately resulting in better individual and societal outcomes. Current best practices for working with young people emphasize the importance of wraparound approaches, which coordinate family, community, school and agency resources based on a young person’s individualized needs; and a positive youth development framework, which emphasizes assets, opportunities, and resources in healthy adolescent development. These approaches facilitate the prevention of maladaptive behaviors and outcomes in a way that supports holistic youth development by focusing on young people’s strengths rather than solely or predominantly on risk and delinquency.
Youth Opportunity Hubs will link existing service providers within a neighborhood or community. Applicants should propose to provide wraparound support and opportunities to youth and young adults from one or more of the following four neighborhoods: East Harlem, Central and West Harlem, Washington Heights, or the Lower East Side.
Wraparound supports may include:
- Employment and workforce development opportunities
- Education and training
- Mentorship and relationship-building
- Recreation opportunities
- Arts and culture
- Life skills
- Family strengthening support
- Trauma-specific services
- Mental health screening and counseling
- Substance abuse services (including treatment and harm reduction)
- Health education
- Community service
- Housing assistance and placement
- Legal advocacy and access to benefits
- Civic engagement and leadership
Applicants should oversee and coordinate the proposed hub; however, applicants are also expected to explicitly identify other providers to deliver additional wraparound support and opportunities within the hub beyond what is provided currently, as necessary.
The anticipated total funding for up to six hubs is up to $51.5 million.
Property and Terrorism Insurance
July 22, 2016- New York City Housing Authority requests quotations from qualified Insurance Company to provide Primary /Excess Property and Terrorism Insurance through its broker, Edgewood Partners Insurance Center.
Self Advocacy Leadership Academy
July 22, 2016- Grant funds ($100,000 per year for three years) to establish a Self-Advocacy Leadership Academy in New York State for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities ages 21 and over.
Professional Development in Academic Intervention Services
July 27, 2016- The NYCDOE on behalf of the Office of Curriculum, Instruction and Professional Learning, seeks proposals from organizations experienced in providing high quality professional development in Academic Intervention Services (AIS) to schools within the New York City public school system. The goal of this MTAC is facilitate schools’ collaborations with organizations capable of delivering high quality professional development in AIS in the areas of literacy, mathematics, science, social studies and behavior to develop targeted intervention strategies to help struggling students performing below grade level expectations.
Pre-Proposal Conference: July 11, 2016 from 11:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. at St. Francis College, Founders Hall Auditorium, 180 Remsen Street, Brooklyn Heights, NY 11201.
Please note that ALL proposals are due at 65 Court Street, Room 1201, Brooklyn, NY 11201, Attn: Bid Unit/Vendor Resources.
To download, go to http://schools.nyc.gov/Offices/DCP/Vendor/Default.htm. Scroll until you see “Open MTAC Procurements”. If you cannot download, send an e-mail to vendorhotline@nullschools.nyc.gov. Include your company’s name, address, phone and fax numbers, e-mail address, Tax ID Number, MTAC Number and Title.
Questions regarding this solicitation should be addressed to ISPSupport@nullschools.nyc.gov no later than July 12th, 2016. Subsequent amendments and answers will be posted to http://schools.nyc.gov/Offices/dcp. Review this site periodically for important updates.
Pin number: R1149040
Architectural/Engineering Asset Management Services
July 29, 2016- The New York City Office of Management and Budget (“OMB”) is seeking proposals from appropriately qualified architectural/engineering firms in response to a Request for Proposals (“RFP”) to provide Asset Management services.
The RFP specifications require a licensed professional architect/engineering firm with technical expertise in asset management for a wide range of asset types located in New York City. Joint venture proposals are acceptable but prior inter-firm collaboration must be demonstrated. Assignment of projects by OMB, during the proposed contract term, will be on an as need basis.
Questions concerning this RFP must be submitted to contracts@nullomb.nyc.gov by 12:00pm on July 8, 2016.
Pin number: 00216P0006
1,480 Square Foot Ground Floor Retail Space
August 5, 2016- Approximately 1,480 square feet of ground floor retail space for lease at MTA’s office building at Two Broadway, New York, NY 10004.
Community Based Organization Planning Grant
August 16, 2016- The New York State Department of Health, Office of Health Insurance Programs is issuing a Request for Applications (RFA) to announce the availability of funds for the support of Community Based Organizations in specific targeted areas that remain un-served/underserved as part of the DSRIP Program. With major initiatives such as DSRIP, smaller community organizations are often challenged in how to engage and contract with larger, lead organizations, such as the PPS in DSRIP. These organizations tend to be administratively lean, have fewer resources and also compete with other CBOs for similar funding grants.
Additionally, it may be challenging to analyze and present their service mission and enterprise in a business framework for contract arrangements. The administrative time and resources required for such engagements often exceed what individual CBOs have available to analyze the business requirements, and to successfully formulate a business strategy and proposition. Further, such demands may burden the CBO and undermine the resources needed for the CBO to continue to deliver its core services.
This RFA is intended to solicit applications for grants to assist CBO Consortiums in planning activities to identify business requirements and formulate strategies for short-term needs. This also includes longer term plans that the CBO consortium may envision in system transformation. Overall, this will allow them to better position themselves for continuing engagement with PPSs in DSRIP projects, and consequently, value based payment and contracting.
It is the Department’s intent to award one award for each of the three regions outlined in the RFA. The three regions consist of New York City, Long Island and Mid-Hudson, and Rest of State. A maximum funding amount for each region is $2,500,000.
Request for Proposals to Increase Access to Services for Survivors of Crime
August 19, 2016- As part of CJII, the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office and the Institute for State and Local Governance (ISLG) are soliciting proposals that increase access to services for survivors of crime, particularly those from underserved groups. Programs that address barriers to service access have the potential to increase service usage and increase reporting, both of which may improve survivor outcomes. Increased use of services and reporting may also facilitate the prosecution of criminals and mitigate the increased risk of criminal offending that is often associated with victimization or circumstances surrounding victimization, ultimately increasing public safety.
Programs should focus on one or more of the following groups that face significant barriers to access: immigrants; lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer (LGBTQ) individuals; individuals who are D/deaf or hard of hearing; individuals with disabilities; people of color; and/or individuals who belong to other underserved groups.
Applicants may propose to either expand/enhance their existing capacity to deliver services or develop and pilot new approaches to accomplish the aforementioned goals. Proposals should address one (or more) of the following needs:
- Sign language interpretation and translation services to ensure communication and service access for survivors who are D/deaf or hard of hearing and/or non-English speaking
- Education and training for service providers on culturally-competent programming tailored to particular groups of survivors
- Culturally-specific/competent programming tailored to a specific group of survivors, taking into account members’ unique identities and needs
- Public awareness and outreach programs that aim to raise awareness about and connect survivors to available services, increase crime reporting, and educate about victimization, particularly with respect to underserved groups and those who may experience higher rates of victimization
- Other approaches to increase use of supportive services (by increasing access) for survivors, which may, in turn, increase crime reporting
Programs should be administered in Manhattan and/or serve residents of Manhattan, with preference given to applicants that have close community ties to and/or serve residents of four focus neighborhoods: East Harlem, Central and West Harlem, Washington Heights, and the Lower East Side.
Anticipated total funding for the Increase Access to Services for Survivors of Crime initiative is up to $11.4 million to be spread across up to ten awards.
SustaiNYC: 76,600 Sq. Ft. Passive House Design in East Harlem
August 23, 2016- The New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) invites developers to submit proposals for a new construction project in the East Harlem section of Manhattan.
The Development Site is owned by the City of New York and located on Block 1617, Lots 20, 22-33 and 35-54. The Site consists of approximately 76,600 square feet and is located in Community District 11. The goal is to develop a high-quality, sustainable, mixed-income and mixed-use project that will expand affordable housing opportunities in the neighborhood.
Interested parties that choose to download the RFP using the link below must provide their contact information. Only those who provide their contact information will receive updates or additional communications regarding the RFP. The RFP contains a detailed description of the development program, requirements, guidelines, eligibility requirements, selection process, and submission requirements.
A pre-submission conference will be held at 2:00 PM on June 15, 2016 at 125 Worth Street, 2nd Floor auditorium, New York, NY 10013. Interested organizations are strongly encouraged to attend the conference. If you are planning on attending the conference, please RSVP at the email address below. People with disabilities requiring special accommodations to attend the pre-submission conference should contact Evan Easterbrooks-Dick at the email address below.
All proposals are due in hand no later than 4:00 p.m. on August 23, 2016. Detailed instructions are provided in the RFP.
All communications must be IN WRITING to:
Evan Easterbrooks-Dick
NYC Department of Housing Preservation and Development
Office of Neighborhood Strategies
100 Gold Street, Room 9X
New York, NY 10038
Click here to register for future updates and download the SustaiNYC RFP
The following Proposal Forms can be downloaded below.
- Form A-1, 2: Completeness Checklist and Applicant’s Letter
- Form B: Proposal Summary
- Form C-1, 2: Development Team Information and Applicant Questionnaire
- Form D-1: Development Experience and Current Workload
- Form D-2: Management Experience and Current Workload
- Form D-3: Management Questionnaire
- Form E: Assets Statement
- Form K: Financing Proposal
Construction Project in the Hunter’s Point South Section of Queens
September 1, 2016- The New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) invites developers to submit proposals for a new construction project in the Hunter’s Point South section of Queens.
The Site is owned by the City of New York and located in the southern section of the Hunter’s Point South Project Area, at the intersection of 2nd Street and 57th Avenue within Queens Community District 2 (Block 6, Lot 20 and part of Block 6, Lot 30). The goal is to develop a mixed-use, mixed-income development that will expand affordable housing opportunities in the neighborhood.
Interested parties that choose to download the RFP using the link below must provide their contact information. Only those who provide their contact information will receive updates or additional communications regarding the RFP. The RFP contains a detailed description of the development program, requirements, guidelines, eligibility requirements, selection process, and submission requirements.
A pre-submission conference will be held at 125 Worth Street, 2nd floor auditorium, New York, NY on June 17, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. Interested organizations are strongly encouraged to attend the conference. If you are planning on attending the conference, please RSVP at the email address below. People with disabilities requiring special accommodations to attend the pre-submission conference should contact Zlata Kobzantsev at the email address below.
All proposals are due in hand no later than 4:00 p.m. on September 1, 2016. Detailed instructions are provided in the RFP.
All communications must be IN WRITING to:
Zlata Kobzantsev
NYC Department of Housing Preservation and Development
Office of Neighborhood Strategies
100 Gold Street, 9X Area
New York, NY 10038
Click here to Register for future updates and Download the Hunter’s Point South Parcels F&G RFP
The following Proposal Forms can be downloaded below.
- Form A-1, 2: Completeness Checklist and Applicant’s Letter
- Form B: Proposal Summary
- Form C-1, 2: Development Team Information and Applicant Questionnaire
- Form D-1: Development Experience and Current Workload
- Form D-2: Management Experience and Current Workload
- Form D-3: Management Questionnaire
- Form E: Assets Statement
- Form K: Financing Proposal
Supportive Congregate Housing for Chronically Homeless Single Adults Living with AIDS or Advanced HIV Illness
September 19, 2016- The Human Resources Administration (HRA) is seeking appropriately qualified vendors to operate and maintain the remaining units of permanent supportive congregate housing for chronically homeless single adults who are living with HIV/AIDS and who suffer from a co-occurring serious and persistent mental illness, a substance abuse disorder, or a Mentally Ill Chemical Abuse (MICAS ) disorder.
Please note that HRA has received increased funding for an additional 351 permanent supportive congregate housing units.
This is an “Open-Ended” RFP; therefore, proposals will be accepted and reviewed on an ongoing basis until all units covered by this RFP`s increased funding are sited.
Pin number: 06913H082100
Multifamily Open Window
September 30, 2016- The current RFP has two sections:
1. Highly Ready Project Initiatives
Funding for projects expected to close by July 2016- $70 million available
- New Construction Capital Program (“NCP”) for households earning less than 60% AMI
- Supportive Housing Opportunity Program (“SHOP”) for households earning less than 60% AMI
- Public Housing Preservation Program (“PHP”), Multifamily Preservation Program (“MPP”), and
- Middle Income Housing Program (“MIHP”) for households between 90 and 130% AMI.
2. Open Window Application process for FY2016-17
Provides additional funding for existing programs:
- Homes for Working Families (HWF)- $26,750,000
- State Low Income Housing Credit (SLIHC)- $4,000,000
- Rural and Urban Community Investment Fund (CIF) – $31,200,000
- House NY Mitchell-Lama Loan Program (HML) – $42,000,000.
Applications for the second group of programs will be accepted on a rolling basis through March 1, 2017, and will be evaluated monthly. HCR will also be making available a limited number of Project Based Vouchers (PBV) (applications due September 30, 2016) and HOME assistance, for proposed projects.
To view the RFP visit NYSHCR Multifamily Open Window Request for Proposals.
NY Prize Community Grid Competition
October 12, 2016- The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) announces the availability of up to $40,000,000, under the NY Prize Community Grid Competition (NY Prize), to support developing community microgrids. The purpose of this competition is to solicit proposals to design and build community grids that improve the local distribution system performance and resiliency in both a normal operating configuration as well as during times of electrical grid outages. NY Prize objectives include empowering community leaders, encouraging broad private and public sector participation including local distribution utilities, local governments and third parties, protecting vulnerable populations and providing tools for building a cleaner more reliable energy system.
Stage 2: NYSERDA is accepting proposals for funding to conduct Audit-Grade Detailed Engineering Design and Financial /Business Plan that evaluate the details of installing/operating a community microgrid at a site within New York State. Proposals must be received by NYSERDA by 5:00 PM Eastern Time on October 12, 2016.
Eligibility/Qualifications Requirements/Preferences:
(a) For demonstration projects, the site must be in New York State.
(b) A New York State manufacturer should be on a new product development project.
(c) Other requirements vary among three categories. Please refer to RFP 3044 on NYSERDA’s website, www.nyserda.ny.gov, for specific information.
Non-Profit Industrial Developers for the New York City Industrial Developer Fund
Submission Deadlines:
March 29, 2016
June 29, 2016
September 29, 2016
December 29, 2016 – New York City Economic Development Corporation (“NYCEDC”), on behalf of the City of New York (the “City”), is seeking submission of proposals from qualified not-for-profit organizations that plan to acquire, construct, and/or renovate industrial real estate in the City. The primary goal for the use of the New York City Industrial Developer Fund is to create, modernize and preserve industrial real estate. Additionally, the aim of the Industrial Developer Fund is to increase the capacity of the not-for-profit organizations to develop industrial real estate and support the growth of a more robust mission-driven industrial development ecosystem.
Between Fiscal Year 2016 and Fiscal Year 2019, NYCEDC in cooperation with The New York City Office of Management and Budget (“OMB”) can allocate up to $41 million of City capital through the Industrial Developer Fund for acquisition, construction, and/or renovation costs for eligible industrial development projects, which support the City’s goals of promoting and growing a more robust not-for-profit industrial development ecosystem in the City. Not-for-profit organizations are uniquely positioned to increase the supply of affordable industrial real estate; the Industrial Developer Fund aims to support this sector by creating a new financing tool.
NYCEDC plans to select respondents on the basis of factors stated in the RFP which include, but are not limited to: the quality of the proposal, experience of key staff identified in the proposal, experience and quality of any subcontractors proposed, demonstrated successful experience in performing services similar to those encompassed in the RFP.
It is the policy of NYCEDC to comply with all federal, state and City laws and regulations which prohibit unlawful discrimination because of race, creed, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, marital status and other protected category and to take affirmative action in working with contracting parties to ensure certified Minority and Women-owned Business Enterprises (“M/WBEs”) share in the economic opportunities generated by NYCEDC’s projects and initiatives. Please refer to the Equal Employment and Affirmative Compliance for Construction Contracts Addendum in the RFP.
Respondents will be required to submit an M/WBE Participation Proposal with their response. To learn more about NYCEDC’s M/WBE program, visit http://www.nycedc.com/opportunitymwdbe. For the list of companies who have been certified with the New York City Department of Small Business Services as M/WBE, please go to the www.nyc.gov/buycertified.
Notice of Funding Availability for the Preservation of Affordable Housing South of Houston Street
December 31, 2019– The City of New York Department of Housing Preservation and Development announces the availability of $11,800,000 in funding for the acquisition and preservation of affordable housing south of, and including properties on, East/West Houston Streets, bounded by the Hudson and East Rivers in Lower Manhattan to applicants who are funded pursuant to a Request for Qualifications issued by HPD (“RFQ”).
The purpose of the Lower Manhattan Acquisition Program is to preserve residential housing with apartments affordable to low-income households.
Program Description:
- Not-for-profit organizations qualified under the RFQ may identify privately-owned residential properties for purchase and long-term ownership in the Lower Manhattan area.
- Eligible buildings are multi-family buildings in the program’s target area, where at least one unit is or will be rented to and affordable to a household earning no more than 80% of the Area Median Income (AMI).
- Up to $125,000 per dwelling unit in acquisition funding may be available to fill the gap between private debt supportable by the acquired property or properties and the acquisition cost. The program funding will be based only on those units that are rented to and affordable to households earning no more than 80% of AMI.
- The program’s target area is Manhattan south of, and including properties on, East/West Houston Streets. (Boundary map is available at the website listed below).
- The program will run until the earlier of the time at which all funding has been exhausted or December 31, 2019.
Request for Qualifications (RFQ):
In order to become qualified for participation in the program, not-for-profit organizations must respond to the RFQ and be found qualified by HPD. Applicants may respond to the RFQ available at the website below. To be considered for qualification, applicants must demonstrate ownership, management and rehabilitation experience, as well as financial strength and stability. Please refer to the RFQ for more information on qualification.
Qualified not-for-profit organizations may submit proposals to request acquisition funding for eligible residential buildings. Proposals will be assessed on both the viability of the project and strength of the applicant’s experience. Proposals will be evaluated and funded on a “first-come, first-served basis” for the duration of the program. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any or all applications received as a result of this advertisement.
Notice Requirements:
All not-for-profit organizations entering into negotiations with building owners must comply with tenant and owner notification procedures in accordance with the federal Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970. Information about these notification requirements will be provided to pre-qualified non-profits. The Request for Qualifications (RFQ), map of the program area, and additional information about the program are available on HPD’s website: http://www1.nyc.gov/site/hpd/developers/rfp-rfq-rfo.page. Interested parties should forward all requested documentation to the Department of Housing Preservation and Development; Attention of Lower Manhattan Acquisition Program RFQ Coordinator, 100 Gold Street—Room 9-O3, New York, NY 10038; or electronically to HPDPres@nullhpd.nyc.gov. This program is made possible by a grant from the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation, which is funded through Community Development Block Grants from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
Andrew Cuomo, Governor
Bill de Blasio, Mayor
Alicia Glen, Deputy Mayor for Housing and Economic Development
Vicki Been, HPD Commissioner
David Emil, LMDC President
Avi Schick, LMDC Chairman
NYC Industrial Developer “Fund” for Qualified Projects Seeking Fund Support
The NYC Industrial Developer Fund is a $150 million public/private fund to provide project financing for industrial real estate development projects in New York City. The Fund is designed to catalyze investment in 400,000 sf of new or renovated industrial real estate workspace across New York City, supporting the creation of as many as 1,200 quality and accessible industrial jobs by 2020.The Industrial Developer Fund supports industrial job-creation in New York City by providing public/private financing for industrial real estate development projects. Total size of the Fund is $150 million, which includes approximately $60 million in public funds leveraging $90 million in private financing.
The Industrial Developer Fund provides qualified real estate developers with partial public gap-financing assistance in the form of grants, low-interest subordinate loans, and guarantees on senior private loans. These public funds are intended to leverage owner equity so that the transaction merits traditional bank/senior lender financing provided under the Fund structure.
Qualified projects seeking fund support will be considered when high impact projects are unable to move forward due to funding gaps. The Fund will consider both non-profit and for-profit entities.
New York City’s industrial and manufacturing sector employs 530,000 people, or 15.4 percent of the city’s private sector workforce. The sector is a vital pathway to the middle class for many families, with median wages of $50,400 a year. In addition, more than 328,000 jobs in the sector (61.5 percent) are located outside Manhattan, 62 percent of the workforce comes from culturally diverse backgrounds, and nearly half are foreign-born. Finally, approximately 63 percent of jobs are available to individuals who do not have a college degree.
- Land/Building Acquisition, Construction and/or Renovation
- Project Size: Minimum of 25,000 square feet
- Geography: New York City’s 5 boroughs
- Use/Purpose: Projects must create long-term industrial real estate property and demonstrate creation of quality, permanent industrial jobs
For additional information, please contact the NYCEDC Strategic Investments Group at 212.618.5737 or SIG@nullnycedc.com, with “Industrial Developer Fund Inquiry” in the subject line. Prospective applicants are encouraged to contact NYCEDC to determine eligibility and review in-depth financing criteria prior to submitting materials.