Current RFPs: Week of November 23, 2015
If you are interested in pursuing business opportunities pertaining to procurement, please contact Mark Thompson or Tunisha W. Walker.
For a current list of MWBE RFPs as well as upcoming events and workshops, click here:
The following Request for Proposals have been recently issued by City government:
2015 Entrepreneurial Assistance Program Center
November 27, 2015– ESD seeks proposals from:
- not-for-profit corporations, operated by a board of directors representing community leaders in business, education, finance and government;
- community colleges or universities; or
- Boards of Cooperative Education Services.
For the creation and operation of an EAP Center which will have the following effects in the designated area:
- increase business ownership among minority group members, women and veterans;
- help minorities, women-owned and veteran startups make the transition into small-growth companies;
- increase access to financing by minorities, women and veteran owned firms;
- significantly-expand sales among minority, women and veteran owned firms; and
- creation of private sector jobs.
An EAP Center proposed hereunder must provide the following program services:
- Enterprise Formation Assistance. One 60-hour entrepreneurship supplemented by a minimum of 10 hours of intensive technical assistance to help new entrepreneurs complete business plans and to help them develop a viable business. Technical assistance should encompass refinement of business concept, break-even analysis and financial management, and marketing plans and market development.
- Enterprise Expansion Assistance. Centers shall maintain ongoing relationships with clients who have taken the entrepreneurship course in order to assist those new businesses to become small-growth companies and to become certified with the Division of Minority and Women’s Business Development. Enterprise expansion technical assistance shall include but is not limited to the following: working capital and cash flow management, general management skills, new market development, hiring and managing employees, managing growth, and accessing credit and capital.
A typical EAP Center provides the following in-depth services to owners and operators of start-up and existing businesses:
- counseling on the feasibility of starting a business;
- assistance with refining a business concept and developing a business plan;
- assistance with completing MWBE Certification Applications;
- education in established management principles and practices;
- in-depth business counseling in product development and marketing;
- guidance in exporting, contract procurement and licensing;
- one-on-one counseling in identifying and accessing capital and credit;
- access to business support networks; and
- ongoing and continued technical assistance to program graduates including linkages to other small business services.
Total MWBE Participation Goals: 30%
Contract term: 4 Months, future funding is based on performance and availability of funds.
County(ies): Bronx
Creation of DOE Brooklyn S.T.E.A.M. Center
November 30, 2015– The Brooklyn Navy Yard Development Corporation is issuing a Request For Proposals for a consultant to represent BNYDC in its partnership with the NYC Department of Education for the creation of the Brooklyn STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math) Center, a high school initiative that will be housed in the Brooklyn Navy Yard.
Pin number: 001115
Reconstruction of Joseph Devoy Playground
November 30, 2015– Located at Union Turnpike and 71st Avenue, in Forest Park, Borough of Queens, Contract #: Q015-115M
This procurement is subject to participation goals for MBEs and/or WBEs as required by Local Law 1 of 2013.
Pin number: 84616B0027
Architectural & Engineering Design Services for all Five Boroughs
November 30, 2015– The New York City Department of Citywide Administrative Services (“DCAS”)/Asset Management (“AM”) is seeking appropriately qualified architectural firms to enter into an Agreement to provide architectural design services with related engineering design services, including services during construction, in the boroughs of:(1) Manhattan and the Bronx and (2) Brooklyn, Queens and Staten Island.
There will be an optional Pre-Proposal Conference on Wednesday, November 4th, 2015 at 11:00 a.m. in the 18th Floor Pre-Bid Room at DCAS, One Centre Street, New York, NY 10007.
Interested parties may download the RFP from the City Record On-Line, at http://a856-internet.nyc.gov/nycvendoronline/home.html. Alternatively, a copy of the RFP may be picked up from DCAS/Office of Citywide Procurement, 18th Floor, One Centre Street, New York, NY 10007 between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on regular City business days.
Pin number: 85616P0001
Tourism Representation Services for Germany
December 1, 2015– The New York State Department of Economic Development has issued this Request for Proposal (RFP) to secure a qualified individual or firm to represent the Department in the Germany market exclusively for travel and tourism. The successful bidder will be responsible for various tasks associated with travel trade representation and marketing, consumer marketing, strategic counsel on the Germany travel industry, and operational support for the NYSDED Division of Tourism in industry-related activities and promotions.
Specific Requirements can be found in the attached RFP.
All questions regarding this RFP must be submitted in writing by November 12, 2015 via email to tourismrfp@nullesd.ny.gov with “Tourism Representation Services for Germany” in the subject line.
Total MWBE Participation Goals: 0%
Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Business Contracting Goal: 0%
Disadvantaged Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 0%
Contract term: up to 5 years
County(ies): All NYS counties
* These goods or services have been purchased from an out-of-state/foreign vendor within the past three years.
Landscape Architectural Design Services for all Five Boroughs
December 3, 2015– For the Construction or Reconstruction of Various Parks and Playgrounds Located in the Five Boroughs of New York City.
The City of New York is committed to achieving excellence in the design and construction of its capital program, and building on the tradition of innovation in landscape architecture, architecture and engineering that has contributed to the City`s prestige as a global destination.
Copies of the RFP can be downloaded at the Agency`s website http://www.nyc.gov/parks, or at the City Record`s website www.nyc.gov/cityrecordA pre-proposal meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 17, at 2:00 p.m. at the Olmsted Center Annex, Bid Room, Flushing Meadows-Corona Park, Flushing, NY 11368.
Pin number: 84616P0001
Web Design and Content Management
December 4, 2015– The New York City Employees’ Retirement System (“NYCERS”) is initiating a Request for Proposal (“RFP”) for Web Design services and Web Content Management (“WCM”) services, using a comprehensive, industry-leading, non-proprietary Web Content Management system. NYCERS is seeking services from a qualified professional vendor to rapidly develop and deploy a redesign of the current NYCERS website utilizing a comprehensive, industry-leading, and non-proprietary Web Content Management (WCM) solution of the vendor’s choice. The solution will be required to meet the requirements specified in this RFP.
Pin number: 009103020152
Host Homes and Wraparound Services
December 7, 2015– The Administration for Children’s services (ACS) intents to do a demonstration project, pursuant to Section 3-01(c) of the Procurement Policy Board Rules, to create a foster home alternative to the Children’s Center for older youth. This alternative to placing older youth at the Children’s Center involves establishing a collection of “Host Homes” in each borough of the City. Host Homes are safe and well-supported foster homes where older youth can be taken on a 24/7 basis and cared for a period of up to 30 days during which time intensive, individualized planning can occur with the youth and family to determine the next best steps to safety, permanence and stability. ACS seeks to contract with New York Foundling Hospital (NYFH) and Leake and Watts to provide Host Homes.
As a critical element to enhancing stability in the Host Home and providing planning support to the youth, family and Host Home parent, ACS seeks to contract with Youth Advocate Programs, Inc. (YAP) to provide wraparound support to youth and families during periods of acute trauma and stress. YAP is experienced in developing and implementing individualized wraparound support plans, and capable of collaboratively developing such plans in conjunction with ACS and other team members within 48 hours of a youth’s placement in a Host Home. Specially trained YAP staff will offer an average of 15 hours a week of direct, in-home support during and after the planning period, potentially extending that support to the youth’s home in the event of reunification, or to a foster home setting for up to six months to enhance stability and success.
Any vendor which believes that it can provide either of the required services is invited to express their interest by reviewing the scope of services that can be downloaded from the ACS Web-site, www.nyc.gov/acs and submitting an application via e-mail.
Pin number: 06816D0001
NYCEDC: HHC Priority Mitigation Project, Construction Contractor Services RFQ
December 8, 2015– New York City Economic Development Corporation (NYCEDC) is seeking qualified firms to construct infrastructure and resiliency improvements at four HHC hospitals. Due to their locations, these four hospitals are vulnerable to extreme coastal storms and in October 2012, each facility suffered extensive flood damage as a result of Hurricane Sandy. Since then each hospital has temporarily restored the damaged areas and, working with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (“FEMA”), have developed plans to mitigate damage from future storms and flooding.
NYCEDC, as the lead of an interagency team, is now focused on completing priority mitigation projects at the four facilities receiving funding. This initial work consists of various projects to make existing facilities more resilient and protect against future disasters. These projects will complement the other initiatives being undertaken to create facilities that meet the City’s resiliency goals. Once complete, these initial projects will help further the ultimate goal of ensuring that the public hospitals have the necessary safeguards in place to operate during a storm and mitigate damage and power loss
NYCEDC is seeking qualifications for the following types of construction contractors:
- Concrete Contractors
- Abatement Contractors
- Demolition Contractors
- Electricians
- Plumbers
- Elevator Contractor
- Scaffolding/Sidewalk bridge
- Mechanical – HVAC
- Fire Protection
- Masonry
- Site/Civil Work
- Low voltage electrician
- Site Fencing
- Painting
- Carpentry
- MEP Insulation
- Steel Work
- Roofing and Waterproofing
- Spray on Fire Proofing
- Tile Work
- Flooring
- Windows
- General Contractors
NYCEDC plans to select a consultant on the basis of factors stated in the RFQ which include, but are not limited to: the firm’s demonstrated experience and expertise in the particular trade for which the firm is submitting its qualifications; the firm’s composition and experience in coordinating and implementing similar projects; the firm’s familiarity with public approvals, permitting and experience working with multiple governmental agencies; the firm’s record regarding accidents and lost work days on construction projects; and the firm’s resources available for the Project.
The Services described above will require extensive coordination and collaboration among the Construction Management firm (the “CM”) hired by NYCEDC, the other construction trades working within the Project Site and the Project Team.
NYCEDC and HHC will be contracting with multiple design and engineering firms for all contract documents associated with the Services. The CM will provide construction management services for the Project, including holding all construction subcontracts for the Project.
It is the policy of NYCEDC to comply with all federal, state and City laws and regulations which prohibit unlawful discrimination because of race, creed, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, marital status and other protected category and to take affirmative action in working with contracting parties to ensure certified Minority and Women-owned Business Enterprises (MWBEs) share in the economic opportunities generated by NYCEDC’s projects and initiatives. Please refer to the Equal Employment and Affirmative Compliance for Construction Contracts Addendum in the RFP.
The HHC Priority Mitigation Project has a Minority and Women Owned Business Enterprises (“M/WBE”) participation goal of 35%. Companies who have been certified with the Empire State Development’s Division of Minority and Women’s Owned Business Development as M/WBE are strongly encouraged to apply to this RFQ. To learn more about M/WBE certification and NYCEDC’s M/WBE program, please visithttp://www.nycedc.com/opportunitymwdbe.
Select Bus Service: Engineering Design & Related Services
December 9, 2015– HWDRQSBS1, Requirements Contract for Engineering Design and Related Services for Select Bus Services (SBS) Infrastructure Projects, Citywide. All qualified and interested firms are advised to download the Request for Proposal at http://ddcftp.nyc.gov/rfpweb/ from Tuesday November 10, 2015 or contact the person listed for this RFP. The submission due date is listed above.
Pin number: 8502016RQ0044P-48P
Preparation of Planting Sites and the Planting of Trees and Ground Cover Plants
December 9, 2015– In the Area adjacent to the Paerdegat Basin Bridge, Rockaway Park Bridge, and Fresh Creek Basin Bridge, along Shore Parkway, in the borough of Brooklyn.
Contract #: B166-113M
This procurement is subject to participation goals for MBEs and/or WBEs as required by Local Law 1 of 2013.
This contract is subject to Apprenticeship program requirements.
Construction of a Skate Park and Reconstruction of the Basketball Court
December 10, 2015– Located on Broadway Between Van Cortlandt Park South and West 242nd Street, in Van Cortlandt Park, Borough of the Bronx, Contract # X092-114M
This procurement is subject to participation goals for MBEs and/or WBEs as required by Local Law 1 of 2013.
Bid documents are available for a fee of $25.00 in the Blueprint Room, Room #64, Olmsted Center, from 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM. The fee is payable by company check or money order to the City of NY, Parks and Recreation. A separate check/money order is required for each project. The Company name, address and telephone number as well as the project contract number must appear on the check/money order. Bidders should ensure that the correct company name, address, telephone and fax numbers are submitted by your company/messenger service when picking up bid documents.
Pin number: 84616B0014
Design Services: Port Richmond Wastewater Treatment Plant, Staten Island
December 10, 2015– DEP is seeking qualified firms to provide design services and design services during construction for the replacement of the outdoor substation, one medium voltage generator, one low voltage generator, two motor control centers and distribution switchgear at the Port Richmond Wastewater Treatment Plant in Staten Island.
MINIMUM QUALIFICATION: Proposers must be authorized to practice Engineering in the State of New York. A copy of the proposer`s Certificate of Authorization to provide Professional Engineering Services in the State of New York must be included with the proposal. Proposer`s must also submit proof of licensure for those key personnel practicing Engineering in the State of New York.
PRE-PROPOSAL CONFERENCE: November 17, 2015 at 12:30PM. At the Port Richmond WWTP, 1801 Richmond Terrace, Staten Island NY – DEP Trailer. Attendance is not mandatory but it is strongly recommended. Please limit attendance to no more than (2) persons from each firm to attend.
SITE VISIT: Immediately following the Pre-Proposal Conference.
For the Operation and Maintenance of Bicycle Rental Stations
December 11, 2015– The New York City Department of Parks and Recreation is issuing a Request for Proposals (“RFP”) for the Operation and Maintenance of Bicycle Rental Stations in Central Park, Riverside Park, West Harlem Piers Park, East River Park and Highbridge Park with the option for future Manhattan locations.
There will be a recommended proposer meeting on Thursday, November 19, 2015 at 11:30am. We will be meeting in Room 407 of the Arsenal, which is located at 830 5th Avenue, in Central Park, Manhattan. If you are considering responding to this RFP, please make every effort to attend this recommended meeting.
Former Slaughterhouse Site Redevelopment RFP
December 11, 2015– NYCEDC seeks proposals (“Proposals”, each a “Proposal”) from qualified developers (“Respondents”, each a “Respondent”) for the long-term lease or sale and redevelopment of the Former Slaughterhouse Site (the “Site”) within the Hell’s Kitchen neighborhood and adjacent to the Hudson Yards Special District (the “Project”). The Site is owned by the City of New York (the “City”) and is located at 495 11th Avenue between West 39th Street and West 40th Street in Manhattan, New York.
This Project is an opportunity to create an innovative mixed-use development that contributes to the overall quality of life for Hell’s Kitchen residents as well as the growth and vitality of Manhattan’s west side.
NYCEDC plans to evaluate Respondents on the basis of factors stated in the RFP which include, but are not limited to: the quality of the Proposal to strengthen and revitalize the urban context of the Site, viability of proposed development program to meet community needs, demonstrated successful experience completing similar projects, and the Proposal’s economic impact on the City.
This project has Minority and Women Owned Business Enterprise (“M/WBE”) participation goals, and all respondents will be required to submit an M/WBE Participation Proposal with their response. To learn more about NYCEDC’s M/WBE program, visit http://www.nycedc.com/opportunitymwdbe. For the list of companies who have been certified with the New York City Department of Small Business Services as M/WBE, please go to the www.nyc.gov/buycertified.
NYCEDC established the Kick Start Loan programs for Minority, Women and Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (M/W/DBE) interested in working on public construction projects. Kick Start Loans facilitates financing for short-term mobilization needs such as insurance, labor, supplies and equipment. Bidders/subcontractors are strongly encouraged to visit the NYCEDC website at www.nycedc.com/opportunitymwdbe to learn more about the program.
Futureworks NYC Growth Initiative
December 12, 2015– NYCEDC is committed to strengthen its manufacturing base by accelerating the emergence of early stage companies using or developing advanced technologies. This program is aimed at supporting the growth of promising companies in New York City and at better understanding the particular challenges faced by early stage companies in the advanced manufacturing space.
The Program will provide selected companies up to $30,000 of funding over a two-year period to finance their growth in New York City. The financing will be delivered in three phases. The largest share of the funding will be distributed at the beginning of the program; the outstanding funding will be disbursed in two payments respectively after 12 and 18 months. The Program will also facilitate the companies’ access to apply for sales tax exemptions through IDA’s Accelerated Sales Tax Exemption Program, to reduce the cost of purchasing equipment over the same time period.
During the length of the Program, companies will be asked to provide NYCEDC with information on quarterly basis about the company’s evolution, performance and challenges faced. Additionally, Companies will be asked to make good faith efforts to attend events and discussions organized by NYCEDC related to advanced manufacturing. These events would also be a good opportunity for entrepreneurs to network with their peers, industry experts and potential investors.
Businesses eligible for that program should:
- be using and / or developing advanced manufacturing technologies*to produce tangible goods.
- have been incorporated for at least one year.
- have less than 15 full-time equivalent employees.
- have generated revenues and / or piloted products.
- not have received institutional financing**.
Eligible companies will be selected through an open and competitive process.
Specialized Small Business Development Program for MWBEs
December 17, 2015– The Department of Small Business Services (“DSBS”, or the “Agency”) is seeking appropriately qualified individuals or firms (“Consultants”) for the Specialized Small Business Development Program to provide assistance to New York City-certified Minority and Women-owned Business Enterprises (“firms”) competing for and performing on New York City government contracts in the following industry areas: Construction, Goods, Standard Services, and Professional Services.
Pin number: 80115P0005
Request for Expression of Interest for an Ice Skating Rink and/or Winter Activities at McCarren Park Pool, Brooklyn
December 18, 2015– The New York City Department of Parks and Recreation (“Parks”) is issuing a Request for Expressions of Interest (”RFEI”) for an ice skating rink and/or winter activities at McCarren Park Pool, Brooklyn.
All proposals submitted in response to this RFEI must be submitted no later than Friday, December 18, 2015 at 3:00 P.M. There will be a recommended meeting and site visit on Monday, November 16, 2015 at 11:00 A.M. We will be meeting in front of the entrance to the pool on Lorimer Street between Driggs Avenue and Bayard Street in McCarren Park, Brooklyn. If you are considering responding to this RFEI, please make every effort to attend this recommended meeting and site visit.
Hard copies of the RFEI can be obtained, at no cost, commencing on Friday, October 30, 2015 through Friday, December 18, 2015, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., excluding weekends and holidays, at the Revenue Division of the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation, which is located at 830 Fifth Avenue, Room 407, New York, NY 10065.
The RFEI is also available for download, commencing on Friday, October 30, 2015 through Friday, December 18, 2015, on Parks’ website. To download the RFEI, visit www.nyc.gov/parks/businessopportunities, click on the link for “Concessions Opportunities at Parks” and, after logging in, click on the “download” link that appears adjacent to the RFEI’s description.
For more information or to request to receive a copy of the RFEI by mail, prospective proposers may contact Zoe Piccolo, Project Manager, at (212) 360-3495 or at zoe.piccolo@nullparks.nyc.gov.
Creative Development of Public Educational Plans
December 18, 2015– The Department is seeking up to six (6) qualified vendors to create and to assist agencies of New York City government in executing public education and media campaigns (including, but not limited to, television, print, radio, and/or web-based media) on an as-needed/on-call basis. The selected on-call vendor(s) would produce materials in a variety of media formats to target specific audiences as necessary, depending on the requirements of that particular advertising campaign.
RFP will be available for pick-up between the hours of 10 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. on weekdays only and from the DOHMH website: http://www.nyc.gov/health/contracting.
A Pre-Proposal Conference will be held on 11/18/2015 between 10:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. at 42-09 28th Street, 14th Floor Room 3-32 Queens, NY 11101. In order to facilitate the check-in process, vendors planning to attend are asked to RSVP for this conference by November 16, 2015 by emailing RFP@nullhealth.nyc.gov. Any questions regarding this Request for Proposal must be sent to RFP@nullhealth.nyc.gov by 11/20/2015 at 5:00 p.m.
Pin number: 16OE002200R0X00
School Cafeteria Experience Enhancement
December 21, 2015– This is a rebid of B2744. A rebid is necessary to satisfy the Department of Education’s notification requirements. Bidders must attend this conference to be eligible regardless of their attendance at the B2744 bid conference. The DOE will not evaluate bids from absent vendors.
This is a requirements contract for Cafeteria Experience Enhancement intended to encourage student use of the DOE’s meal programs. This contract includes work to improve the appearance of the areas where food is served, expedite the passage of users in the serving area and improve equipment to meet the needs for changed menus developed in response to nutritional needs and student surveys.
Helicopter Storage and Maintenance Services
December 22, 2015– The Department is seeking a vendor to provide year-round hanger storage and professional maintenance services for one helicopter and its peripheral equipment. The Contractor will provide storage and flight facilities for the Helicopter and the Peripheral Equipment, perform routine and preventive maintenance, scheduled inspections, repairs, overhauls, retrofit or convert existing aerial (solid/liquid) pesticide application systems, and provide certain replacement parts. Hanger services are required for winter storage during the months of November to April and flyable (operable) storage during the months of April through November. IFBs will be available online at http://www.nyc.gov/health/contracting or for pick-up at the address listed above, between the hours of 9:00am to 4:00pm Monday through Friday (excluding City Holidays) beginning on November 18, 2015, and continuing until the due date above.
Any questions regarding this Invitation for Bids must be sent in writing by December 1, 2015 to Bids@nullhealth.nyc.gov.
The Public Bid opening will be held at the above address on the same day and time as indicated above. Faxed or emailed bids will not be accepted.
Pin number: 17AA000200R0X00
Universal Pre-kindergarten Services for 2015-2018
December 31, 2015– The New York City Department of Education (NYCDOE), on behalf of the Division of Early Childhood Education (DECE), will release an open-ended Request for Proposals (RFP) for Universal Prekindergarten (UPK) Services for 2015-2018.
The RFP will be for the provision of Full-Day UPK services to four-year-olds. Vendors must provide a consistent weekly schedule for 31 hours and 40 minutes per week, at least five days per week, for 180 days of the school year. Proposals will be accepted for underserved areas of the City.
If you are interested in proposing to this open-ended RFP, you must pre-qualify with the City’s HHS Accelerator On-Line System in order to download the RFP and submit a proposal. The HHS Accelerator can be found here: http://www.nyc.gov/html/hhsaccelerator/html/about/about.shtml
If you have issues pre-qualifying with the HHS Accelerator System, please use the following link to reach the HHS Accelerator support team: http://www.nyc.gov/html/hhsaccelerator/html/contact/contact.shtml
Please Note: This open-ended RFP will not available in the NYCDOE’s Vendor Portal
Community Health Center Pre-Development Support RFP
January 16, 2016– The New York City Economic Development Corporation (NYCEDC) is spearheading a new program to bring advanced primary healthcare resources to underserved neighborhoods across New York City through NYCEDC’s Community Health Center Expansion Program. These efforts reaffirm the City’s commitment to equitable access to primary care for all New Yorkers.
NYCEDC is requesting proposals from Federally Qualified Health Centers and Look-Alikes (collectively FQHCs) to plan, build, and outfit new primary care health center sites to be completed by June 2017. These sites must increase patient capacity and improve patient access in the City’s most medically underserved neighborhoods. Respondents selected pursuant to this RFP may be eligible to receive one or more of the following types of support for their projects, including, without limitation: pre-development grants, technical assistance, real estate assistance, and operational support grants to help manage expenses during the initial operations at a newly opened site.
NYCEDC plans to select one or more Respondents on the basis of factors stated in the RFP which include, but are not limited to: the quality of the proposal, community landscape of proposed expansion neighborhood, applicant strength, proposed project strength, and demonstrated successful experience in performing services similar to those encompassed in the RFP. It is the policy of NYCEDC to comply with all federal, state and City laws and regulations which prohibit unlawful discrimination because of race, creed, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, marital status and other protected category and to take affirmative action in working with contracting parties to ensure certified Minority and Women-owned Business Enterprises (MWBEs) share in the economic opportunities generated by NYCEDC’s projects and initiatives. Awards and grants provided through this RFP will be funded by the City.
Respondents may submit questions and/or request clarifications from NYCEDC no later than 5:00 p.m. on Monday, January 4, 2016. Questions regarding the subject matter of this RFP should be directed tochcpredev@nulledc.nyc For all questions that do not pertain to the subject matter of this RFP, please contact NYCEDC’s Contracts Hotline at (212) 312-3969. Answers to all questions will be posted by Friday, January 8, 2016, on this page.
This project has Minority and Women Owned Business Enterprise (“M/WBE”) participation goals, and all respondents will be required to submit a M/WBE Narrative Form with their response. To learn more about NYCEDC’s M/WBE program, visithttp://www.nycedc.com/opportunitymwdbe. For the list of companies who have been certified with the New York City Department of Small Business Services as M/WBE, please go to the www.nyc.gov/buycertified.
NYCEDC established the Kick Start Loan programs for Minority, Women and Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (M/W/DBE) interested in working on public projects. Kick Start Loans facilitates financing for short-term mobilization needs such as insurance, payroll, supplies and equipment. Bidders, sub-contractors and sub-consultants are strongly encouraged to visit the NYCEDC website at www.nycedc.com/opportunitymwdbe to learn more about the program.
Edenwald Recreation Facility, Bronx
January 27, 2016– New York City Economic Development Corporation (“NYCEDC”) is seeking proposals (“Proposals”, each a “Proposal”) from qualified developers for the lease of a parcel of land (the “Site”) located along the eastern side of the property at 1250 East 229th Street in the Bronx (the “Edenwald Site”) for the development and operation of a recreational and community facility of at least 45,000 buildable square feet (the “Project”). The Edenwald Site is owned by the City and is under the jurisdiction of the NYC Administration of Children’s Services (“ACS”). While the expectation of this RFP is to lease the Site, NYCEDC also reserves the right to sell the fee interest in the Site.
This Project is an opportunity to develop a high quality recreational and community facility that will meet the needs of the surrounding community while enhancing the quality of life in Edenwald as well as the surrounding Bronx neighborhoods. The Project is envisioned to create a facility that will provide spaces focused on any or all of the following: health, education, childcare, active living, and/or cultural uses. The Project will serve youth residing in the existing ACS Facility as well as the broader multi-generational community.
NYCEDC plans to select a developer on the basis of factors stated in the RFP which include, but are not limited to: the completeness and quality of the proposal, program and design, financial and schedule feasibility, demonstrated qualification and experience in performing services similar to those encompassed in the RFP, and the economic impact of the proposal.
It is the policy of NYCEDC to comply with all federal, state and City laws and regulations which prohibit unlawful discrimination because of race, creed, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, marital status and other protected category and to take affirmative action in working with contracting parties to ensure certified Minority and Women-owned Business Enterprises (MWBEs) share in the economic opportunities generated by NYCEDC’s projects and initiatives.
This project has Minority and Women Owned Business Enterprise (“M/WBE”) participation goals, and all respondents will be required to submit a M/WBE Narrative Form with their response. To learn more about NYCEDC’s M/WBE program, visithttp://www.nycedc.com/opportunitymwdbe. For the list of companies who have been certified with the New York City Department of Small Business Services as M/WBE, please go to the www.nyc.gov/buycertified.
NYCEDC established the Kick Start Loan programs for Minority, Women and Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (M/W/DBE) interested in working on public projects. Kick Start Loans facilitates financing for short-term mobilization needs such as insurance, payroll, supplies and equipment. Bidders, sub-contractors and sub-consultants are strongly encouraged to visit the NYCEDC website at www.nycedc.com/opportunitymwdbe to learn more about the program.
Lease of Manhattan Cruise Terminal and Brooklyn Cruise Terminal
February 12, 2015– New York City Economic Development Corporation (“NYCEDC”) on behalf of the City of New York (the “City”), is issuing this Request for Proposals (“RFP”) seeking proposals from qualified respondents (“Respondents”) interested in sub-leasing the Brooklyn Cruise Terminal, located at Pier 12 in Red Hook, Brooklyn and leasing the Manhattan Cruise Terminal, located at Piers 88 and 90 in West Midtown Manhattan, for cruise terminal operations.
NYCEDC plans to select a leaseholder on the basis of factors stated in the RFP which include, but are not limited to: the quality of the proposal, experience of key staff identified in the proposal, experience and quality of any subcontractors proposed, demonstrated successful experience in performing services similar to those encompassed in the RFP, and the proposed fee.
It is the policy of NYCEDC to comply with all federal, state and City laws and regulations which prohibit unlawful discrimination because of race, creed, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, marital status and other protected category and to take affirmative action in working with contracting parties to ensure certified Minority and Women-owned Business Enterprises (MWBEs) share in the economic opportunities generated by NYCEDC’s projects and initiatives.
This project has Minority and Women Owned Business Enterprise (“M/WBE”) participation goals, and all respondents will be required to submit a M/WBE Narrative Form with their response. To learn more about NYCEDC’s M/WBE program, visithttp://www.nycedc.com/opportunitymwdbe. For the list of companies who have been certified with the New York City Department of Small Business Services as M/WBE, please go to the www.nyc.gov/buycertified.
NYCEDC established the Kick Start Loan programs for Minority, Women and Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (M/W/DBE) interested in working on public projects. Kick Start Loans facilitates financing for short-term mobilization needs such as insurance, payroll, supplies and equipment. Bidders, sub-contractors and sub-consultants are strongly encouraged to visit the NYCEDC website at www.nycedc.com/opportunitymwdbe to learn more about the program.
New York/NY 111 Supported Housing Congregate
June 16, 2016– The Department of Health and Mental Hygiene issued an open-ended rolling RFP in 2007 to establish 3,000 units of citywide supportive housing in newly constructed or rehabilitated single-site buildings for various homeless populations pursuant to the New York/New York III Supported Housing agreement. Proposals continue to be accepted on an on-going basis. The RFP is available on line at http://www.nyc.gov/health/contracting. Any questions regarding this RFP must be sent in writing, in advance, to the Contracting Officer or e-mailed to the address below. All proposals must be hand delivered at the office of the Agency Chief Contracting Officer. As a minimum qualification requirement for (1) the serious and persistent populations, the proposer must be incorporated as a not-for-profit organization, and (2) for the young adult populations, the proposer must document site control and identify the source of the capital funding being used to construct or renovate the building. Use the following address unless otherwise specified in notice, to secure, examine or submit bid/proposal documents, vendor prequalification and other forms; specifications/blueprints; other information; and for opening and reading of bids at date and time specified above.
Health and Mental Hygiene, Gotham Center-LIC, 42-09 28th Street, 17th Floor, CN30A, Queens, NY 11101-4132. Jasmine Salome (347) 396-6637; Fax: (347) 396-6758; jsalome@nullhealth.nyc.gov
Pin number: 81608PO076300R0X00
Notice of Funding Availability for the Preservation of Affordable Housing South of Houston Street
December 31, 2019– The City of New York Department of Housing Preservation and Development announces the availability of $11,800,000 in funding for the acquisition and preservation of affordable housing south of, and including properties on, East/West Houston Streets, bounded by the Hudson and East Rivers in Lower Manhattan to applicants who are funded pursuant to a Request for Qualifications issued by HPD (“RFQ”).
The purpose of the Lower Manhattan Acquisition Program is to preserve residential housing with apartments affordable to low-income households.
Program Description:
- Not-for-profit organizations qualified under the RFQ may identify privately-owned residential properties for purchase and long-term ownership in the Lower Manhattan area.
- Eligible buildings are multi-family buildings in the program’s target area, where at least one unit is or will be rented to and affordable to a household earning no more than 80% of the Area Median Income (AMI).
- Up to $125,000 per dwelling unit in acquisition funding may be available to fill the gap between private debt supportable by the acquired property or properties and the acquisition cost. The program funding will be based only on those units that are rented to and affordable to households earning no more than 80% of AMI.
- The program’s target area is Manhattan south of, and including properties on, East/West Houston Streets. (Boundary map is available at the website listed below).
- The program will run until the earlier of the time at which all funding has been exhausted or December 31, 2019.
Request for Qualifications (RFQ):
In order to become qualified for participation in the program, not-for-profit organizations must respond to the RFQ and be found qualified by HPD. Applicants may respond to the RFQ available at the website below. To be considered for qualification, applicants must demonstrate ownership, management and rehabilitation experience, as well as financial strength and stability. Please refer to the RFQ for more information on qualification.
Qualified not-for-profit organizations may submit proposals to request acquisition funding for eligible residential buildings. Proposals will be assessed on both the viability of the project and strength of the applicant’s experience. Proposals will be evaluated and funded on a “first-come, first-served basis” for the duration of the program. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any or all applications received as a result of this advertisement.
Notice Requirements:
All not-for-profit organizations entering into negotiations with building owners must comply with tenant and owner notification procedures in accordance with the federal Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970. Information about these notification requirements will be provided to pre-qualified non-profits. The Request for Qualifications (RFQ), map of the program area, and additional information about the program are available on HPD’s website: http://www1.nyc.gov/site/hpd/developers/rfp-rfq-rfo.page. Interested parties should forward all requested documentation to the Department of Housing Preservation and Development; Attention of Lower Manhattan Acquisition Program RFQ Coordinator, 100 Gold Street—Room 9-O3, New York, NY 10038; or electronically to HPDPres@nullhpd.nyc.gov. This program is made possible by a grant from the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation, which is funded through Community Development Block Grants from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
Andrew Cuomo, Governor
Bill de Blasio, Mayor
Alicia Glen, Deputy Mayor for Housing and Economic Development
Vicki Been, HPD Commissioner
David Emil, LMDC President
Avi Schick, LMDC Chairman