Hairdressers Against AIDS Launches HIV/AIDS Mobilization Campaign
“Use Your Voice” was developed by the L’Oreal Foundation, in partnership with the United Nations (UNESCO) and the Global Business Coalition on HIV/AIDS, TB and Malaria (GBC). The result was incredible: a data-driven, grassroots, public-private HIV education partnership campaign like no other in memory. Thanks in large part to a major public relations and grassroots outreach effort, the campaign far exceeded its goals.
Capalino played a significant role in arranging a major press conference with elected officials, numerous celebrities and health experts in government and securing the permits and permissions for the video booths located on City-owned property in Times Square, Lincoln Center and 125th Street.
The result of Capalino’s engagement with the L’Oreal Foundation was more than 160 million media impressions on the first day of the campaign, over 100 celebrities speaking out on the issue, increased Facebook engagement for Hairdressers Against AIDS’ page, and an unprecedented global partnership on AIDS, TB and Malaria research.