The Future of New York: New York’s Next Comeback


Tom Wright, President of the Regional Plan Association (RPA)
In Conversation with Travis Terry, President of Capalino

History tells us that New York will recover from this current crisis. Learn how. Watch the first session of our “Future of New York” webinar series featuring Tom Wright, President of the Regional Plan Association (RPA).

As our elected officials, business, educational leaders and NYC residents are struggling to cope with disruptions and quality of life issues, Capalino, New York’s leading urban strategy firm, addresses the critical challenges facing recovery with our “Future of New York” program.

COVID-19 challenges the very function of cities — to facilitate interactions of large numbers of diverse people and activities. Whether we are entering an era of decline or come back stronger, fairer, and more resilient than ever will depend on the choices we make now. Capalino’s President Travis Terry hosted this interactive webinar and interviewed Tom Wright who addressed the critical challenges facing recovery.

Some of the main discussion points covered:

Watch on YouTube >

Download Tom Wright’s presentation (PDF) >

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