How Capalino Helps Businesses in NYC


Lobbying Firm Capalino Helps Businesses

Navigating the complex rules, regulations and politics of New York City government can be a lesson in frustration.  In experienced hands, however, hidden and significant business opportunities are available to small and large businesses and not-for-profits alike.  Capalino, with a broad range of relationships and a deep knowledge of government processes and politics, has a highly successful track record of achieving results for its clients.  We are experts at securing licenses, permissions and approvals, and securing public funding for not-for-profits and business.

Capalino Works with Government Agencies and Departments

Capalino works with all agencies and departments on the local and even the state and federal level.  Our most frequent dealings are with the Office of the Mayor, the New York City Council, the Department of City Planning, the Economic Development Corporation and the Department of Buildings. However, a housing issue we resolve might have crossover interactions  between the Department of Buildings, the Department of Housing Preservation & Development and the NYC Community Boards.  A land use issue might also involve a Borough President, Landmarks Preservation Commission, the Department of Transportation and the Department of Parks and Recreation.

Having relationships and familiarity with the many city departments and agencies gives clients of Capalino a distinct advantage.

Government Affairs, Advocacy and More

Capalino excels in helping businesses and not-for-profits achieve success in New York City.  We help our clients market their products to various NYC businesses, find and negotiate strategic partnerships and joint ventures, and advise on real estate transactions.

The Challenges and Opportunities of Lobbying in New York

What ultimately separates Capalino from other lobbying firms is our commitment to being broad strategic advisers to our clients.  In many instances, a business or not-for-profit’s interaction with government is a key component to institutional success. Having an experienced strategic advisor can be a tremendous asset in anticipating and solving problems as well as realizing business opportunities.

Government relations and lobbying must be a component of an organization’s strategic plan and vision.   New York City is large and complex, with a seemingly different set of politics for every circumstance (geographic, ethnic, etc.)  making every project we encounter unique.  To properly advise a client, a general knowledge of their business fundamentals and industry is essential in order to create a strategy to succeed in the world of government.

Creative Opportunities Available for Businesses

Capalino has a well-known ‘reach’ across many areas of interest that allow us to leverage relationships and orchestrate creative business opportunities. These range from selling goods and services in the public sector to bringing together multiple, diverse businesses, not-for-profits and other relevant parties to create complex associations and projects.  Whether it’s changing the land use of real estate to increase its value or securing incentives that generate business outside of Manhattan to reduce costs and increase profitability, Capalino is always on the lookout for the creative opportunities that boost business growth.

Though doing business in New York City can be complicated, Capalino is a vital component to help you succeed.

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