Capalino’s SVPs Ashley Thompson DiNardo and Ben Kleinbaum on the City Council’s New Session


Written by Ashley Thompson DiNardo, Senior Vice President, Capalino and Ben Kleinbaum, Senior Vice President, Capalino

Last week, the new session of the City Council kicked off in earnest. Council Members introduced over 400 pieces of legislation at the Stated Meeting on January 31, including many that failed to pass the City Council before the end of the last term (2014 to 2017). The reintroduction of the bills will mean that many of the debates that started during the Mayor’s first term, will continue well into the second.

Council Members reintroduced a few bills that received significant attention in the past. They include:

The full list of bills can be found here:

The 2014-2017 Council introduced 1,841 bills and adopted 708 of those into law, making it the most active session in Council history. If the month of January is any indication, the current Council, under the leadership of Speaker Corey Johnson, may be on pace to set a new record. However, with new leadership, 10 freshman Council Members, and several new Committee chairs, the key stakeholders in some of these debates will likely have changed.

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