Protecting Our Capitol and Democracy: A Statement from Capalino

Capalino condemns the attacks on our Capitol and our democracy in an attempt to negate the will of the people. Those who participated in Wednesday’s events – and the leaders who incited and encouraged the violence – must be held accountable for their appalling behavior. We call on President Trump to be impeached and removed from office as his illegal actions have made a travesty of American democracy and the rule of law.
As an organization that deeply values free speech, the political process and our government institutions, this was a very grim day. Wednesday’s violence, motivated by hate and division, remind us that we need to recommit to addressing racism, antisemitism, and injustice head on and reinforce the ideals and principles that this great country was founded on. We owe gratitude to law enforcement officers who stood up to the rioters and the lawmakers and staff who courageously carried on their important work of certifying the Presidential vote of the electoral college despite these events and in doing so ensured that our democracy lives on.
The Capalino Team