Housing + Real Estate


Our highly-skilled and experienced team members are the best in their field. Our housing and real estate team assists for-profit and not-for-profit developers and organizations to conceive, shape, and complete mixed-income and affordable housing projects, and economic development initiatives.

Using our in-depth expertise in housing and land use, New York City zoning and building code, affordable housing finance, real estate markets, and intergovernmental and community engagement strategies, our experienced team helps clients exploit new opportunities created by Mayor de Blasio’s affordable housing plan and navigate the changing regulatory and financial environment.

Our practice group associates are the best in their field. We will work with you to define goals, identify and evaluate sites and financing approaches, craft creative solutions to address physical, regulatory, and other constraints, develop a strategic approach and roadmap for completion, and help secure all land use and other approvals necessary for success.

We can help you with: