Steven Figueiredo Joins Capalino As Vice President

Steve Figueiredo

Steve Figueiredo

Steve served for over 7-years at the NYC Department of Buildings. He began his career as a Community Affairs Liaison in the boroughs of Queens and Manhattan and became Deputy Director of Intergovernmental and Community Affairs. His understanding of the complexity of agency operations and work on legislative issues with City Hall and elected officials, lead to his appointment as interim Chief of Staff of the agency. In this capacity, he organized and put in place a seamless transition in the Department’s leadership, including the successful renegotiation of a $13 million contract to streamline the Department’s inspection process, which will allow customers to schedule inspections online, and inspectors the ability to provide inspection results in real time.

Steve received a Master of Public Administration degree from Baruch College, School of Public Affairs, and a B.A. in Government from John Jay College.

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