Summary of Bills Introduced at City Council Stated Meeting


In an effort to keep our readers informed, Capalino has compiled a comprehensive list of City Council Bills that were introduced at the Stated Meeting on January 7th.


Preconsidered Int

By Council Members Arroyo, Barron, Cabrera, Chin, Cohen, Constantinides, Crowley, Dickens, Espinal, Gentile, Gibson, Greenfield, Ignizio, King, Lancman, Lander, Levine, Maisel, Matteo, Mealy, Miller, Palma, Reynoso, Rodriguez, Rose, Rosenthal, Treyger, Ulrich, Vallone, Van Bramer and Williams (in conjunction with the Mayor):

A Local Law in relation to the naming of 56 thoroughfares and public places, Dave Reid Jr. Place, Borough of the Bronx, Prince Joshua Avitto Way, Borough of Brooklyn, Rev. Wenceslao Martinez Way, Borough of Brooklyn, José Francisco Peña Gomez Boulevard, Borough of the Bronx, DJ Scott la Rock Boulevard, Borough of the Bronx, Luis Muñoz Marín Way, Borough of the Bronx, Basil Paterson Boulevard, Borough of the Bronx, Oscar de la Renta Boulevard, Borough of the Bronx, Frank T. Modica Way, Borough of Manhattan, Norman Buchbinder Way, Borough of Manhattan, Bronx Science Boulevard, Borough of the Bronx, Archbishop Iakovos of America, Borough of Queens, Steven Frosch Way, Borough of Queens, James Baldwin Place, Borough of Manhattan, Detective Rafael Ramos Way, Borough of Brooklyn, Frank J. Santo Way, Borough of Brooklyn, Judge Hansel L. McGee Place, Borough of the Bronx, Bishop Robert Green Way, Borough of the Bronx, Angelo “Chubby” Campanella, Borough of Brooklyn, Rabbi Weissmandl Way, Borough of Brooklyn, Jimmy Zappalorti Lane, Borough of Staten Island, FDNY Lt. Matt Ambelas Way, Borough of Staten Island, Milton Alexander Way, Borough of the Bronx, Bishop Ignatius A. Catanello Way, Borough of Queens, Barry Weinbrom Way, Borough of Brooklyn, Lydia Buffington Way, Borough of Brooklyn, John Cortese Way, Borough of Brooklyn, George Carlin Way, Borough of Manhattan, Barnard Way, Borough of Manhattan, Edwin Thomas Way, Borough of Brooklyn, William Creech Vietnam Veteran Way, Borough of Staten Island, Dr. Jerry V. Burns Way, Borough of Brooklyn, Henry McCoy Jr. Way, Borough of Queens, Kenneth Anthony Nugent Way, Borough of Queens, Kevin Lamont Miller Jr. Way, Borough of Queens, Kalyana Ranasinghe Way, Borough of the Bronx, Ann Maggio Way, Borough of Queens, Max Bond Way, Borough of Manhattan, Jacob Birnbaum Way, Borough of Manhattan, Stanley Jay Way, Borough of Staten Island, Battalion Chief Charles L. Kasper Way, Borough of Staten Island, Vincent C. Pompa Way, Borough of Staten Island, Cooper Stock Way, Borough of Manhattan, PCS Way, Borough of Manhattan, Barbara Dattilo Way, Borough of Brooklyn, Brother Jack SanFilippo Way, Borough of Brooklyn, Detective Wenjian Liu Way, Borough of Brooklyn, Jack Maple Place, Borough of Queens, Benjamin Fried Boulevard, Borough of Queens, Robert C. Lohnes Way, Borough of Queens, Sunnyside Garden Arena Way, Borough of Queens, Alice Cardona Way, Borough of Queens, Luke Adams Way, Borough of Queens, Pecola and Nicholas Rodriguez Way, Borough of Brooklyn, Debbie Bowden Way, Borough of the Bronx, Margaret Mack Triangle, Borough of the Bronx and the repeal of sections 14, 15, 24, 25, 40 and 62 of local law number 34 for the year 2014, sections 34 and 53 of local law number 131 for the year 2013 and section 46 of local law number 50 for the year 2013.

Parks and Recreation


By Council Members Chin and Ferreras:

A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to providing tenants with information regarding the senior citizens rent increase exemption and the disability rent increase exemption.

Housing and Buildings


By Council Members Chin, Dromm, Mendez and Rodriguez:

Resolution calling upon the Board of Trustees of the State University of New York to require a new application and public hearing when the designated community school district in a charter school application changes.



By Council Member Cornegy:

Resolution calling upon the New York State Legislature to introduce and pass, and the Governor to sign, legislation establishing a property tax credit for commercial landlords who voluntarily limit the amount of rent increases to small business owner tenants upon lease renewal.



By Council Member Crowley

A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to requiring the department of homeless services to educate homeless persons on domestic violence and child abuse.

General Welfare


By Council Members Cumbo, Johnson and Ferreras:

Resolution calling upon the United States Senate to ratify the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW).

Women’s Issues


By Council Member Cumbo:

Resolution urging the United States Department of Education and Arne Duncan, Secretary of Education, to reconsider the “Gainful Employment” rule that as proposed could derail the educational careers of millions of Americans and have a disproportionately negative effect on low-income and minority students who want to attend college.

Higher Education

Preconsidered Res

By Council Members Cumbo, Crowley and Johnson:

Resolution calling upon the United States Congress to pass legislation to protect a woman’s health, her right to determine whether and when to bear a child, and her ability to exercise that right by limiting government interference with the provision of abortion services and ensuring legal, safe abortion care is available to any woman who needs it.

Women’s Issues

Preconsidered Res

By Council Member Ferreras:

Resolution approving the new designation and changes in the designation of certain organizations to receive funding in the Expense Budget.



By Council Member Gentile:

A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to the curbs adjacent to a fire hydrant or bus stop.



By Council Member Gibson:

Resolution calling on the New York State Legislature to pass and Governor to sign legislation requiring New York State Homes and Community Renewal to collect succession rights data from property owners and release a summary of the statistics to the public.

Housing and Buildings


By Council Member Johnson:

A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to requiring owners of residential property with six to ten units to submit income and expense statements.



By Council Member Johnson:

Resolution calling upon the New York City Rent Guidelines Board to discontinue consideration of the Price Index of Operating Costs in assessing the economic condition of the residential real estate industry to determine the annual rent adjustments for dwelling units subject to the Rent Stabilization Law.

Housing and Buildings


By Council Members Kallos, Levine, Lancman and Maisel:

A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to housing accommodations and tenant black lists.



By Council Member Kallos (by request of the Manhattan Borough President):

A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to personal information security.


By Council Members Kallos, Cabrera and Rosenthal:

A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York in relation to improving young adults’ access to voter registration materials by requiring the department of education of the city of New York and the board of elections of the city of New York to provide students with registration materials in appropriate languages and to track and report on the efficacy of distributing registration materials to students.

Governmental Operations


By Council Member Levine and the Public Advocate (Ms. James):

A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to the length of the season for city beaches and pools.

Parks and Recreation


By Council Member Levine:

A Local Law to amend the New York city charter, in relation to improving security in schools on election days.


Preconsidered Res

By Council Members Levine, the Speaker (Council Member Mark-Viverito), Cohen, Deutsch, Garodnick, Greenfield, Kallos, Koslowitz, Lander, Lancman, Levin, Maisel, Rosenthal, Treyger, Weprin and Van Bramer:

Resolution commemorating the 70th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camps on January 27th, 2015.

Cultural Affairs, Libraries and International Intergroup Relations


By Council Member Maisel:

A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to prohibiting the issuance of multiple bus lane violation tickets for the same infraction within a one hour period.



By Council Member Miller, Johnson, Kallos, Lander, Chin, Rosenthal and Levine:

A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to requiring successor employers in the grocery industry to retain eligible employees for a transition employment period.

Civil Service and Labor


By Council Member Richards:

A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to requiring energy efficiency reports to be filed every five years.

Housing and Buildings


By Council Member Richards:

Resolution calling on Governor Andrew Cuomo to veto the application by Liberty Natural Gas, LLC to construct the Port Ambrose liquefied natural gas terminal off the coast of New York.

Environmental Protection


By Council Member Rose:

Resolution calling upon the New York Power Authority to permanently set a competitive electricity rate at the Brooklyn Cruise Terminal in order to facilitate the use of shore-based electrical power by cruise ships that wish to cease idling in the port and reduce their air pollutant emissions.

Environmental Protection


By Council Members Rosenthal and Johnson:

Resolution to recognize “Meatless Monday” in New York City.



By Council Member Treyger:

A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to suspending alternate side parking regulations on primary election day.



By Council Member Treyger:

Resolution calling on the Federal Emergency Management Agency to re-examine all National Flood Insurance Program insurance claim payouts related to Hurricane Sandy for possible underpayment, and to henceforth require insurance companies to make available to flood insurance claimants all drafts of engineering reports that are used in the assessment of damages.

Recovery and Resiliency


By Council Members Ulrich, Ignizio and Matteo:

A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to creating a civil penalty for any individual who is convicted of fraud or property related crimes that occur in a mandatory evacuation zone during a mandatory evacuation period.

Public Safety


By Council Member Ulrich:

A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to an annual report on drainage infrastructure.

Environmental Protection


By Council Member Van Bramer:

A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to an annual report on commercial access to broadband.



By Council Member Van Bramer:

A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to limiting the duration of street resurfacing projects.



By Council Member Weprin:

Resolution calling on the New York State Legislature to pass, and the Governor to sign, A.689 and S.1461 of 2014, which would allow early voting in New York State.

Governmental Operations


By Council Members Williams, Torres, Lancman, Johnson, Wills and Gibson:

A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to requiring the police department to submit quarterly reports relating to the issuance of summonses.

Public Safety


By Council Members Wills, Cumbo, Kallos, Palma, Williams, Mendez, Dickens and Arroyo:

A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to requiring social workers in child care centers.

General Welfare


By Council Members Wills, Kallos, Palma, Williams, Mendez, Greenfield, Dickens and Arroyo:

Resolution calling upon the New York State Legislature to require all New York City funded daycare centers and programs that serve forty or more children to provide an on-site social worker and to increase the per-child slot reimbursement amount.

General Welfare


By Council Member Greenfield:

Application No. N 150083 ZRM submitted by D Solnick Design and Development, LLC pursuant to Section 201 of the New York City Charter, for an amendment of the Zoning Resolution of the City of New York, concerning Article IX, Chapter 3 (Special Hudson Yards District), Borough of Manhattan, Community Board 4, Council District 3.

Zoning and Franchises


By Council Member Greenfield:

Application No. 20155265 HKQ (N 150176 HKQ), pursuant to Section 3020 of the New York City Charter, concerning the designation by the Landmarks Preservation Commission of the Hawthorne Court Apartments, 215-37 to 215-43 43rd Avenue and 42-22 to 42-38 216th Street (Block 6306, Lot 15) (Designation List No. 476/ LP No. 2461), Borough of Queens, Community Board 11, Council District 19, as a landmark. Landmarks, Public Siting and Maritime Uses


By Council Member Greenfield:

Application No. 20155146 TCM pursuant to Section 20-226 of the Administrative Code of the City of New York, concerning the petition of PPF Holdings LLC, d/b/a McCoy, for a revocable consent to continue to maintain and operate an unenclosed sidewalk café located at 89 MacDougal Street, Borough of Manhattan, Community Board 2, Council District 3. This application is subject to review and action by the Land Use Committee only if called-up by vote of the Council pursuant to Rule 11.20b of the Council and Section 20-226 of the New York City Administrative Code.

Zoning and Franchises




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