New York City

This Week in New York City Government

New York City

This Week in New York City Government

New York City

This Week in New York City Government


NYC Land Use Bulletin: New Industrial Policy Comes With Significant Changes


NYC Land Use Bulletin- City Planning Begins Public Review for Mandatory Inclusionary Housing and Two Major Zoning Initiatives


Land Use Bulletin- New York City Council Holds Hearing on Legislation to Amend Landmarks Designation Process


Land Use Bulletin- City Planning Releases Draft Zoning Text for Zoning for Quality and Affordability


NYC Land Use Bulletin- NYC Announces Proposal for Mandatory Inclusionary Housing

NYC Capalino Business Strategy

NYC Land Use Bulletin- Major Changes Enacted to 421-a Tax Exemption Program


Land Use Bulletin 5.21.15 – Department of City Planning Releases Updates to Zoning Text Amendments