Land Use Bulletin- New York City Council Holds Hearing on Legislation to Amend Landmarks Designation Process


Land Use Bulletin- City Planning Releases Draft Zoning Text for Zoning for Quality and Affordability


NYC Land Use Bulletin- NYC Announces Proposal for Mandatory Inclusionary Housing

NYC Capalino Business Strategy

NYC Land Use Bulletin- Major Changes Enacted to 421-a Tax Exemption Program


Mayor de Blasio Issues Draft 421a Legislation


Land Use Bulletin 5.21.15 – Department of City Planning Releases Updates to Zoning Text Amendments


NYC Department of City Planning Director Carl Weisbrod Remarks at NYS Association of Affordable Housing (NYSAFAH)


Land Use Bulletin 2.24.15- The Department of City Planning Releases Zoning Text Proposals for Quality and Affordability


Land Use Bulletin: The Department of City Planning Advances East New York Rezoning