This Week in New York City Government
- De Blasio Administration Releases Mayor’s Management Report for Fiscal Year 2016
- Key Statistics from Mayor’s Management Report Indicates Slight Improvements by Agencies After Increased Spend
- $20 Million in Private Donations Raised for Mayor de Blasio’s Computer Science for All Initiative
- Mayor de Blasio Proposes Changes to Street Fairs
- City to Spend $113M on New Career and Technical Education Programs
- Deputy Mayor Richard Buery and Commissioner Nisha Agarwal Announce New Benefits for the IDNYC Program
- NYC’s First Major Parks Equity Initiative Adds Nine New Sites for Reconstruction
- Climate Week: De Blasio Administration Announces Early Progress to Green Building Programs
- Climate Week: Mayor de Blasio Announces NYC Fleet Now Operates More Than 500 Electric Vehicles
- Mayor de Blasio, NYCEDC and Hornblower Announce Citywide Ferry Boat Construction Officially Underway
- Mayor de Blasio, Formula E Announce Inaugural NYC ePrix Coming to Brooklyn
- Mayor de Blasio Expands Voter Registration Forms to Include Six New Languages, Ensuring Most Limited English Proficient New Yorkers Can More Easily Vote at the Polls in November
- Mayor de Blasio: 65,000 New Yorkers Lifted out of Poverty, Workers’ Wages Rise
- City Initiative Seeks to Train 10,000 to Detect Mental Illness Warning Signs
- Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito to Introduce Department of Correction Reform Package
- New York City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito, Council Queens Delegation, CUNY Vice Chancellor Bergtraum and CUNY Queensborough President Call Celebrate $73.3 Million for Cuny Capital Upgrades
Citywide and Borough Electeds:
- SBH Health System, L+M Development Partners and Hornig Capital Partners Break Ground on New Wellness and Affordable Housing Project
- Staten Island Borough President Oddo Announces New Educational Appointments
City Agencies:
- HPD Commissioner Vicki Been Announces Important New Appointments
- HDC Board Approves Eric Enderlin as New President
- Molly Park, Chief Operating Officer of Settlement Housing Fund Will Be HPD’s New Deputy Commissioner for Development
- New Yorkers for Parks Group Picks New Leader
- Deputy Mayor Glen, NYCEDC and Grand Central Tech Open 50,000 Square Foot Urban Tech Space
- NYCEDC, Majority Leader Van Bramer, Borough President Melinda Katz, Local Elected Officials Announce Location of Long Island City North Ferry Landing
- New Map Shows Neighborhoods at Risk of Displacement
- NYC & Company: Fall in Love With NYC This Autumn
- Public Hearings Conducted for 27 New York City Schools That Have Been Identified by the New York State Education Department as Struggling or Persistently Struggling
- Health Department Publishes FY16 Health Data in Mayor’s Management Report, Shows Significant Year-to-Year Reduction in HIV Diagnoses
- Health Department, State Senator Serrano and Manhattan Borough President Brewer Recognize 13 East Harlem Store Owners for Participating in Shop Healthy NYC
This Week in New York State Government
Want more news? View previous versions:
- This Week in New York City Government: September 15, 2016
- This Week in New York City Government: September 8, 2016
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