This Week in New York City Government
- City Launches Groundbreaking Sustainability Initiative for Film and Television Industry
- De Blasio Administration and Brooklyn Bridge Park Break Ground on Pier 3, Final Pier to Be Converted to Parkland
- Mayor de Blasio, SL Green, Local Officials Break Ground on New Office Tower, $220 Million in Transit Upgrades for Riders at Grand Central
- NYC Children’s Cabinet Launches Growing Up NYC to Support the Growth and Development of New York City Youth Ages 0-24
- Mayor de Blasio, City Officials, the Boys and Girls Club of Harlem, Monadnock Development and Alembic Community Development Announce Opening of 79 Affordable Homes and Community Facility for Kids in Harlem
- Crime Continues to Fall in New York City This Year, Compared With 2015
- New York City Receives True Perfect Score for LGBT Inclusivity by Human Rights Campaign 5th Year in a Row
- Mayor de Blasio Calls on Albany to Make Elections Fairer and More Open for All
- NYPD Disciplinary Records Could Be Made Public as Mayor Seeks Changes to State Law
- Leading the Way on Ending Punitive Segregation
- NYC Mayor’s Office Launched First Ever Citywide Campaign to Halt Anti-Muslim Violence
- Mayor de Blasio Signs Legislation to Increase Transparency and Reporting of Programing and Services Available to Inmates
- Mayor de Blasio Outlines Core Principles of Legislation to Make the Disciplinary Records of Law Enforcement and Other Uniformed Personnel Subject to Disclosure
Citywide and Borough Electeds:
- Bronx Borough President Diaz Calls for Investigation into Fatal Police Shooting
- Bronx Borough President Diaz and Clear Channel Outdoor Bring Tour de Bronx 2016 to Times Square!
- Bronx Borough President Diaz Launches Bronx Youth Corps Service Program
- Staten Island Borough President Oddo: Lois and Richard Nicotra to be honored with Maniscalco Award for community service
- Highlighted by Groundbreaking Investments in Faith-Based Housing, Brooklyn Borough President Adams to Announce More Than $2 Million to Construct and Preserve Affordable Housing Across Brooklyn
- Brooklyn Borough President Adams Honors Formerly Incarcerated and Homeless-Operated Bakery, Cops Who Saved Victims on Brink of Death, Principal Enriching Her Students With Special Needs, as Latest “Heroes of the Month”
City Agencies:
- Chancellor Fariña Announces Expansion of Showcase Schools, Middle School Quality Initiative and Learning Partners
- Chancellor Fariña Announces 365 High Schools Participating in College Application Week
- Chancellor Fariña Kicks-Off Parent Conferences With College Access for All Family Event at Tweed
- NYCEDC and ORR Release Updated Waterfront Inspection Guidelines Manual
- HPD Commissioner Been and HDC President Enderlin Announce a New Housing Lottery for More Than 70 Affordable Apartments in Crotona Park East is Now Open for Applications
- NYC & Company Spotlights the “New” New York City to Meetings Audiences at IMEX America
This Week in New York State Government
Want more news? View previous versions:
- This Week in New York City Government: October 13, 2016
- This Week in New York City Government: October 7, 2016
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