This Week in New York State Government

- Governor Cuomo Announces Administration Appointments
- Governor Cuomo Outlines 2016 Agenda: Signature Proposals Ensuring That New York Is – And Will Continue to Be – Built to Lead
- Video & Transcript of 2016 State of the State and Budget Address
- Governor Cuomo Announces 2015 Efforts to Deter Underage Drinking Resulted in Nearly 760 Arrests
- Governor Cuomo Announces $26.3 Million in State Grants and Loans For Water Infrastructure Projects
- Governor Cuomo Announces Community Schools Grants to Provide Wraparound Services For Three SUNY Community Colleges
- Governor Cuomo Announces $7 Million to Help Prevent and Control Chronic Disease
- Governor Cuomo Announces More Than $14 Million to Help Prosecutors Target Tax and Public Benefits Fraud
- Governor Cuomo Announces Crown Holdings Will Invest $132 Million in New Manufacturing Facility in Southern Tier
- Comptroller DiNapoli Releases Municipal Audits
- Comptroller DiNapoli Releases School Audits
- Comptroller DiNapoli: Erie Community College Audit Reveals Lax Oversight by Board
Attorney General:
- Attorney General Schneiderman Announces Settlements with Nearly 100 Health Clubs Across State Over Violations Of State Law, Highlights Tips for Consumers
- Attorney General Schneiderman Announces Convictions of NYC School Construction and Housing Authority Contractor and Labor Brokers Who Stole Thousands from Workers
- Attorney General Schneiderman Secures Temporary Restraining Order Prohibiting Saranac Lake Head Shop, “The Grateful Toad,” from Selling Mislabeled Designer Drugs
- Senate Passes a State Spending Cap to Ensure Fiscal Discipline
- Senate Passes Term Limits for State Legislative Leadership
- Senate Passes Bill to End the GEA for the 2016-17 School Year
- Legislature Announces Joint Budget Hearing Schedule
This Week in New York City Government
Want more news? View previous versions
- This Week in New York State Government: January 8, 2016
- This Week in New York State Government: December 18, 2015
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