This Week in New York State Government
- Governor Cuomo Announces Approval of 30 Smart Schools Investment Plans, Totaling $39 Million
- Governor Cuomo and Attorney General Schneiderman Announce Filing of Amicus Brief Challenging North Carolina’s Discriminatory Anti-Transgender Law
- Governor Cuomo Announces Action to Ensure Insurers Comply With Mental Health Equity Standards
- Governor Cuomo Announces 27 Properties Recommended to the State and National Registers of Historic Places
- Governor Cuomo Announces $14 Million Revitalization of Historic Harriman Group Camps
- Governor Cuomo Announces Major Improvement Project at Henrietta Intersection
- Governor Cuomo Announces “Topping Off” of Albany Capital Center
- Governor Cuomo Announces Largest Midway in Great New York State Fair History
- Governor Cuomo Announces $14.4 Million in AmeriCorps Funding
- Governor Cuomo Announces $36.2 Million Reconstruction of Route 347 on Long Island
- Governor Cuomo Directs Actions to Help Curtail State’s Energy Usage
- Comptroller DiNapoli: New York State Pension Fund Expands List of Corporations That Disclose Political Spending
- State Comptroller DiNapoli Releases School Audits, July 27, 2016
Attorney General:
- Attorney General Schneiderman Reaches Agreement With Zipcar For Charging Thousands Of Consumers Damage Fees In Violation Of Law
- Attorney General Schneiderman And DEC Acting Commissioner Seggos Announce Charges Against Onondaga County Business Owner For Allegedly Discharging Polluted Water Into Ley Creek
- Attorney General Schneiderman Announces Arrest of Former Nursing Home Counselor for Alleged Sexual Abuse of Residents Who Suffered From Traumatic Brain Injuries
- Attorney General Schneiderman Announces Lawsuit Against Staten Island Auto Dealerships for Alleged Deceptive Practices That Illegally Inflated Car Prices
- Attorney General Schneiderman and Governor Cuomo Announce Filing of Amicus Brief Challenging North Carolina’s Discriminatory Anti-Transgender Law
- Attorney General Schneiderman Announces Arrest of Former Nursing Home Counselor for Alleged Sexual Abuse of Residents who Suffered from Traumatic Brain Injuries
This Week in New York City Government
Want more news? View previous versions:
- This Week in New York State Government: July 21, 2016
- This Week in New York State Government: July 14, 2016
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