This Week in New York State Government
- Governor Cuomo Announces Construction Underway on $5 Million Supportive Housing Project in Albany
- Governor Cuomo Announces New York Genome Center President and Chief Operating Officer Cheryl A. Moore Appointed Co-Chair of the New York City Regional Economic Development Council
- Governor Cuomo Announces $10 Million to Support Incubators Serving New and Emerging Clean Technology Companies
- Governor Cuomo Announces New Guidance Instructing Banks to Monitor Incentive Compensation Practices
- Governor Cuomo Announces $250,000 in Rent Overcharges Returned to Rent Regulated Tenants in Brooklyn Building
- Governor Cuomo Announces New North Country Crime Analysis Center
- Governor Cuomo Honors Memory and Heroism of Eight Fallen Firefighters
- Governor Cuomo Announces $1.2 Million to House Historic Carousel on Buffalo’s Waterfront
- Governor Cuomo Announces Finals Award Judges for 43North Competition
- Governor Cuomo Announces 204th Session Graduation from the State Police Basic School
- Governor Cuomo Announces Completion of $14.2 Million Bridge Replacements in Tonawanda
- State Comptroller DiNapoli: Organic Farms Growing in New York
- State Comptroller DiNapoli: Town Clerk Pocketed Thousands in Fines
- State Comptroller DiNapoli: Audit Shows Health Department Overpaid Certain Medicaid Managed Care Premiums
- State Comptroller DiNapoli Releases School Audits
Attorney General:
- Attorney General Schneiderman Announces Nearly $13 Million in Awards for Cities to Combat Vacant and Zombie Homes
- Attorney General Schneiderman Offers Important Tips for Charitable Donations In Light of Hurricane Matthew
- Attorney General Schneiderman Leads Coalition of Attorneys General to Urge the CFPB to Adopt Strong Consumer Protections For High Cost Lending
- Attorney General Schneiderman Issues Know Your Rights Brochure Supporting Victims in Honor of Domestic Violence Awareness Month
Empire State Development Corporation:
This Week in New York City Government
Want more news? View previous versions:
- This Week in New York State Government: October 7, 2016
- This Week in New York State Government: September 30, 2016
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