This Week in New York State Government
- Read Governor Cuomo’s Open Letter in the New York Daily News
- Governor Cuomo Announces Major Progress in MTA Subway Station Enhancement Initiative
- Governor Cuomo and Mayor de Blasio Nearing Resolution on $300 Million In Housing Bonds
- Cuomo Implements Unilateral Changes to the State’s Spending Practices and CUNY Leadership
- Governor Cuomo Announces New Youth Justice Institute to Improve Services for Children, Teens and Young Adults in the Criminal Justice
- Governor Cuomo Announces Launch of New On-The-Job Agricultural Training Program for Veterans
- Commission Doesn’t Approve Legislator Pay Raises, Calls for Special Session
- Governor Cuomo Announces Statewide Hotline to Report Incidents of Bias and Discrimination
- Governor Cuomo Announces Charter Communications Expansion to Add 228 New Jobs in Monroe County
- Governor Cuomo Signs Legislation to Help Expand Recreational Production of Beer, Wine and Cider in New York State
- Governor Cuomo Announces Funding to Help Farms Join New York State Grown & Certified Program
- Governor Cuomo Announces Gap, Inc. Opens Fishkill Distribution Center in “Pop-Up” Facility
- Governor Cuomo Announces Plans for Phase Two of Construction at Binghamton University’s Health Science and Technology Innovation Park
- Governor Cuomo Announces State Resources Deployed to Fight Brush Fires in Orange and Rockland Counties
- Governor Cuomo Orders Investigation Between State Police, SUNY Police and State Division of Human Rights into Alleged Hate Crime at SUNY Geneseo
- Governor Cuomo Orders Joint Investigation Between State Police and State Division of Human Rights into Alleged Hate Crime in Wellsville
- New York Approves Sale of Oswego’s FitzPatrick Nuclear Plant
- REBNY Backs Down in 421-a Dispute with Governor Cuomo
- Governor Cuomo Announces Completion of $4 Million Bridge Replacement in Ulster County
- The State of New York 11/11/16 – “Investing in Our Future”
- UAlbany Forms Presidential Search Committee
- Governor Cuomo Announces Completion of $2 Million Black Diamond Trail
- Governor Cuomo Announces Campaign to Raise Awareness of “Move Over” Law
- Governor Cuomo Announces Grand Opening of “Cool Globes” Exhibit in Lake Placid
- Head of College Lobby Group in New York to Resign at the End of the Year
- State Comptroller DiNapoli: Thruway Authority Needs Plan to Meet Future Costs
- State Comptroller DiNapoli Releases Municipal Audits
- State Comptroller DiNapoli Releases School Audits
- State Comptroller DiNapoli Releases State Audits
Attorney General:
- Attorney General Schneiderman Announces Indictment of Brooklyn Real Estate Developer and Six Accomplices Allegedly Involved in Schemes to Steal Money From Banks, U.S. Federal Government
- Attorney General Schneiderman Announces Joint State and Federal $8 Million Civil Settlement With Long Island Radiology Practice
- Attorney General Schneiderman Announces Multi-State Settlement With NFL Permanently Barring League-Wide Mandatory Ticket Price Floor
- Attorney General Schneiderman Announces Cease and Desist Letter Sent to Owner of Paving Company for Allegedly Defrauding Consumers
Empire State Development Corporation:
- FLREDC Announces Official Launch of MAGIC Spell Studios at Rochester Institute of Technology
- Power Proceeds Allocation Board Recommends $2.49 Million in Funding for Business and Entrepreneurial Investment in WNY
- Empire State Development Announces Dunkirk Taxpayers will Receive Relief Following Power Plant Closures
- Empire State Development Announces Tonawanda Taxpayers will Receive Relief Following Power Plant Closures
This Week in New York City Government
Want more news? View previous versions:
- This Week in New York State Government: November 10, 2016
- This Week in New York State Government: November 4, 2016
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