This Week in New York State Government
- Governor Cuomo Lays Out Legislative Agenda for Potential Special Session; Heastie Begs to Differ
- Governor Cuomo and U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security Johnson Announce Security Recommendations to Bolster Safety Protocols at John F. Kennedy Airport
- Governor Cuomo Announces New York’s Largest Farm Brewery Brings “I Love New York” Licensed Beer to China
- Governor Cuomo and Members of the Congressional Delegation Announce $25 Million Available to Expand Pre-K Programs in Communities With High Student Needs
- Governor Cuomo Announces Milestone Reached in LIRR’s Main Line Expansion Project
- Governor Cuomo Announces More than $10 Million to Fund Employment and Re-Entry Services Throughout New York
- Governor Cuomo Announces Winners of First 76West Clean Energy Competition to Grow the Economy in the Southern Tier
- Governor Cuomo Announces Comprehensive Plan to Better Protect New Yorkers from Deceptive Telemarketing Practices
- Governor Cuomo Adds to His Wish List as State Legislators Seek a Raise
- Governor Cuomo Launches New Initiatives to Expand Addiction and Substance Use Disorder Prevention Across New York State
- Governor Cuomo Announces Nearly $16 Million to Support Three Poverty Reduction Initiatives in Rochester
- Governor Cuomo Announces Results of “Move Over” Law Enforcement Campaign on the New York State Thruway
- Governor Cuomo Announces $30 Million for Alstom Transportation, Inc. Expansion to Create Nearly 200 New Jobs in Steuben County
- Governor Cuomo Hosts Regional Sustainable Development & Collaborative Governance Conference in Schenectady
- Governor Cuomo Announces $6.3 Million to Protect Valuable and At-Risk Farmland in the Capital Region
- Governor Cuomo Announces Pitch NY Event to Promote Diverse Voices in the Entertainment Industry
- Governor Cuomo Announces Nearly $100 Million in New Green Bonds for Affordable Housing
- Governor Cuomo and Acting District Attorney Gonzalez Announce Guilty Plea by Landlords Who Defrauded Rent Regulated Tenants
- Governor Cuomo Signs Legislation Combating Unfair Ticket Purchasing and Reselling Practices
- Governor Cuomo Announces 25,000 Additional Tickets to the Great New York State Fair Available Following Cyber Monday
- Governor Cuomo Announces $2.5 Million to Prevent Underage Drinking and Substance Abuse at 20 SUNY and CUNY Colleges
- Governor Cuomo Announces Taste NY Sales More Than Double in 2016
- The State of New York 11/25/16 – “Giving Thanks”
- Governor Cuomo Encourages New Yorkers to Buy Local Trees This Holiday Season
- Governor Cuomo Announces Start of 2016-17 Skiing and Snowboarding Season in New York
- Governor Cuomo Announces Partnership With Walmart, Wegmans, FreshDirect and the Coca-Cola Company
- Governor Cuomo Announces Actions to Protect Civil Rights and Combat Hate Crimes
- Governor Cuomo Announces Ground Breaking of $16 Million Lofts at University Heights in Downtown Buffalo
- Governor Cuomo Announces New Pilot Program to Help Veterans in Nursing Facilities With Receiving Their Benefits
- Governor Cuomo Urges Caution for Lake Effect Winter Snow Storms Forecast in Western, Northern New York
- Report Finds New York Has Highest Percentage of Homeless Students in Nation
- Former Deputy to Bill Thompson Named Secretary to CUNY Board
- The State Commission on Judicial Nomination Released its List of Seven Nominees to fill Seat on the Court of Appeals
- REBNY Rebuts the Community Service Society of New York’s Criticism of Governor Cuomo’s 421-a Proposal
- State Comptroller DiNapoli and Attorney General Schneiderman Announce Conviction and Sentencing in $180,000 Pension Theft
- State Comptroller DiNapoli: NY Tax Department Approved More Than 31,000 Questionable Tax Rebates
- State Comptroller DiNapoli Releases State Audits
- State Comptroller DiNapoli Releases School Audits
- State Comptroller DiNapoli: Audit Finds $6.8 Million in Medicaid Overpayments
- State Comptroller DiNapoli: Former Clerk Padded Her Pay With Town Funds
Attorney General:
- Attorney General Schneiderman Announces Settlement With Medrite Urgent Care and Carmel for Paying for Positive Reviews Online
- Attorney General Schneiderman and DEC Commissioner Seggos Announce Conviction of Local Business Owner for Discharging Polluted Water Into Creek
- Attorney General Schneiderman Announces Settlement With Furniture Company That Held Deceptive Sale
- Attorney General Schneiderman Announces Renika Moore as New Chief of Labor Bureau
- Attorney General Schneiderman Issues Alert on Phishing Scam Targeting New York Attorneys
- Attorney General Schneiderman Announces Indictment Charging Cortland County Farmer With Child Labor Violations Following Death of 14 Year-Old Employee
- Attorney General Schneiderman Announces Indictment and Arraignment of Clinic Operator for Allegedly Defrauding Medicaid By Offering Bogus Substance Abuse Treatment
- Attorney General Schneiderman Announces Indictment of Former Village Justice for Allegedly Using His Position as Judge to Reduce Fines in Exchange for Sexual Favors
- Attorney General Schneiderman and Inspector General Leahy Scott Announce Jail Time, $167K Restitution for DEC Employee Who Illegally Diverted Money From Contractor
- Attorney General Schneiderman Issues Fraud Alert on Immigration Scams
- Attorney General Schneiderman, Mayor De Blasio and Governor Cuomo Announce Revocation Notices Sent to Owners of 178 Buildings Receiving 421-A Benefits
Empire State Development Corporation:
- Empire State Development Announces Pride Pak is Open for Business in Orleans County
- Empire State Development Announces RFEI for 12.8 Acres at Harlem River Yards
- New York State Photonics Board of Officers Welcomes Samtec as Newest Member of AIM Photonics
This Week in New York City Government
Want more news? View previous versions:
- This Week in New York State Government: November 17, 2016
- This Week in New York State Government: November 10, 2016
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