This Week in the New York City Government: February 9, 2024

Mayor Adams
- Mayor Adams Launches Program to Create 1,500 Permanent Affordable Homes for New Yorkers in Shelter
- Mayor Adams Recommends Deputy Mayor Meera Joshi, Department of City Planning Director Dan Garodnick to Serve on MTA Board
- Mayor Adams Delivers Testimony to New York State Senate Finance and Assembly Ways and Means Committees
- Mayor Adams and Governor Murphy Celebrate New York New Jersey Selection as Host for Biggest Sporting Event in World History: FIFA World Cup 26™ Final
- Mayor Adams Takes Major Steps to Advance ‘Dining Out NYC,’ Nation’s Largest Outdoor Dining Program
- Mayor Adams Takes Steps to Help Support Working Families, Expands Paid Parental, Family Leave for Non-union City Employees
City Council
- New York City Council Passes Legislation to Improve Health and Extend Life Expectancy for All New Yorkers
- Speaker Adrienne Adams Delivers Testimony at New York State Senate & Assembly SFY ‘25 Budget Hearing on Local Government
Comptroller Lander
- New NYC Comptroller Report Provides Blueprint for Improved Capacity at Department of Housing Preservation and Development
- NYC Comptroller Audit Exposes Major Management Gaps in Intensive Mobile Treatment (IMT) for New Yorkers with Severe Mental Health Challenges
- Testimony of New York City Comptroller Brad Lander at the New York Senate Finance & Assembly Ways and Means Committees Joint Hearing on the State Budget Proposal
- NYC Comptroller Lander Releases Annual Report on the Operations of the Audit Bureau for FY 2023