This Week in the New York City Government: January 8, 2021

Mayor de Blasio
- New York City Announces Additional Vaccine Hubs
- Mayor de Blasio Signs “Just Cause” Worker Protection Bills for Fast Food Employees
- New York City Continues to Ramp Up Vaccination Capacity Citywide
- City Aggressively Ramps Up Capacity for COVID-19 Vaccinations Citywide
- Letter from Mayor Bill de Blasio to The Honorable Andrew M. Cuomo, Governor of New York State
- Mayor de Blasio Declares Special Election Date for the 15th and 11th Council Districts in The Bronx
- Mayor de Blasio Appoints Paul Antonio Ochoa as Director of City Legislative Affairs, Yume Kitasei as Chief of Staff to Deputy Mayor Laura Anglin
- Mayor de Blasio Appoints Edward Grayson Sanitation Commissioner
- City Sets Ambitious Goal of 1 Million Doses Administered in January
- Mayor de Blasio Announces 311’s Record-Setting 23.5 Million Calls in 2020
- Mayor de Blasio Appoints Sherif Soliman as New York City’s Finance Commissioner
City Council
Comptroller Stringer
- Comptroller Stringer Proposes Recommendations to Expedite COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout across New York City and Utilize Every Available Dose
- Nasdaq’s Proposed Board Diversity Rule Would Help Expand Racial, Gender and LGBTQ+ Diversity in Corporate America