This Week in the New York City Government: July 10, 2020

Mayor de Blasio
- Mayor de Blasio Announces Cancellation of Large Events Through September 30th
- More Testing, More Support: Mayor de Blasio Announces Hyper-Local COVID-19 Response and Community Testing Partnerships
- Mayor de Blasio and Chancellor Carranza Announce Preliminary School Reopening Plans for Fall 2020
- As Summer Enters Full Swing, New York City Builds “Cool Streets” Onto Nation-Leading Open Streets Program
- Mayor de Blasio Announces Postponement of Annual Tax Lien Sale Until September
- Emergency Executive Order 130
- Mayor de Blasio and Commissioner Salas Announces $160,000 Sick Leave Settlement For Airline Service Workers
City Council
- NY City Council Approves Slashing $1B from NYPD budget
- Statement from Speaker Corey Johnson on de Blasio Administration’s Plan To Open NYC Schools in 2020-2021 Academic Year
- Speaker Corey Johnson, Finance Committee Chair Daniel Dromm, and Capital Budget Subcommittee Chair Vanessa Gibson Announce Agreement on FY 2021 Budget
Comptroller Stringer
- Comptroller Stringer Analysis: 85 Percent of M/WBEs Report They Will Be Out of Business in Six Months due to Economic Distress of COVID-19 Pandemic
- Comptroller Stringer Calls for Expanded Child Care Options and Transparency from DOE in New York City School Reopening Plans
- Comptroller Stringer Op-Ed: New York City Needs a Chief Diversity Officer Now
- Comptroller Stringer Releases Recommendations to Safely Reopen New York City Schools Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic
This Week in New York State Government