This Week in the New York City Government: May 19, 2023

Mayor Adams
- Mayor Adams, DOT Commissioner Rodriguez Kick off Redesign of Gun Hill Road to Speed up Commutes, Improve Safety
- Mayor Adams to Honor 140th Anniversary of Brooklyn Bridge with Revitalized Public Space in Chinatown Under Bridge
- Mayor Adams Announces Plan to Combat Retail Theft in New York City
- Mayor Adams Announces Eight Judicial Appointments
- Mayor Adams Announces Launch of Asylum Seeker Arrival Center, Ninth Humanitarian Emergency Response and Relief Center to Continue to Respond to Asylum Seeker Influx
City Council
- Statement from Speaker Adrienne Adams and Transportation & Infrastructure Chair Selvena Brooks-Powers on the MTA’s Blue-Ribbon Panel Report on Fare Evasion Supporting Expansion of Fair Fares
- Statement from Speaker Adams on the Passing of Former Council Member and State Senator Bill Perkins
Comptroller Lander
- NYC Agencies Can Learn from Human Resources Administration’s Language Accessibility, Finds Comptroller Lander Audit
- Half Million NYCers Could Gain $2.4B in Annual Wages by Sealing Past Convictions, NYC Comptroller Lander Finds
- DASHBOARD UPDATE: NYC Comptroller Releases New Monthly Data on Department of Correction Operations