This Week in the New York City Government: May 3, 2024

Mayor Adams
- Mayor Adams, NYPD Commissioner Caban Provide Additional Details Highlighting Nearly 50 Percent of Columbia/City College Protests Included Unaffiliated Parties
- Mayor Adams Signs Two Pieces of Legislation, Providing Extra Protection for FDNY EMTS and Paramedics
- Mayor Adams Announces Curriculum on Hate Crimes and Their Impact for New York City Schools
- Mayor Adams Celebrates Launch of New York City’s First Climate Budgeting Process
- Mayor Adams Takes Major Steps Towards Transforming New York City into Skate Capital of East Coast
- Mayor Adams’ Statement on Rent Guidelines Board Preliminary Vote
- Mayor Adams Celebrates Lowest Black Unemployment in Five Years, Launches $1 Million Advertising Campaign to Connect More New Yorkers with Jobs in City Government
- Mayor Adams Kicks Off Public Review of “City of Yes for Housing Opportunity” Proposal
- Mayor Adams Announces City Hall, Municipal Buildings to Be Lit Orange in Honor Of National Volunteer Month