This Week in the New York City Government: October 22, 2021

Mayor de Blasio
- Mayor de Blasio Names Andrew D’Amora as Acting Emergency Management Commissioner
- Mayor de Blasio Announces Vaccine Mandate for New York City Workforce
- Mayor de Blasio, Comptroller Stringer, and Trustees Announce Commitment to Achieve Net Zero Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Pension Investment Portfolios by 2040
- Mayor de Blasio and Comptroller Stringer Announce Hudson Yards Infrastructure Corporation has Received Credit Ratings Upgrades and Will Sell the First Green Bond Issued by a City-Related Entity
City Council
Comptroller Stringer
- Comptroller Stringer Releases Analysis of Remote Work’s Impact on New York City Sales Tax Revenue
- Comptroller Stringer: Annual Making the Grade Report Reveals City Fails to do Business with More Than 80 Percent of M/WBEs