This Week in the New York State Government: August 14, 2020

Governor Cuomo
- New York State Cuts Spending Projections by $4 Billion
- Governor Cuomo Announces New Campaign to Raise Awareness of Human Trafficking
- Governor Cuomo Announces Nearly $1 Million to Expand Mobile Addiction Treatment Services
- Governor Cuomo Announces Completion of Pedestrian Safety Enhancements on Long Island
- Governor Cuomo Announces Over $17 Million in Funding Awarded Through the Lake Ontario Business Resiliency Program
- Governor Cuomo Announces $15.1 Million in Federal Funding to Support Emergency Planning and Response
- Governor Cuomo Announces New Record Number of COVID-19 Tests Reported Yesterday
Attorney General Letitia James
- AG James’ Statement on Intent to Sue Trump Administration Over Failure to Update Energy Efficiency Standards
- Attorney General James Sues One of the Nation’s Largest Egg Producers for Price Gouging During the Coronavirus Pandemic
- Attorney General James Co-Leads Coalition Challenging Trump Administration’s Unlawful Effort to Bar Immigrants and Foreign Workers
Comptroller DiNapoli
- DiNapoli: Local Sales Tax Collections Drop 8.2 Percent in July, August 12, 2020
- NYS Common Retirement Fund Reports First Quarter Results, August 11, 2020
This Week in New York City Government