This Week in the New York State Government: February 19, 2021

Governor Cuomo
- Governor Cuomo Announces Lowest Single-day COVID-19 Positivity Rate since November 23
- Rush Transcript: February 10th Zoom Conference Call Between Members of Governor Cuomo’s Administration and New York State Legislators
- Governor Cuomo Announces Four Additional FEMA & State Partnered Vaccination Sites to Open in New York, Targeted at Increasing Equitable Vaccination Access
- Governor Cuomo Announces $4 Million to Help New York Farms Address Impacts of Climate Change
- Governor Cuomo Announces Open Enrollment for New Yorkers is Extended to May 15 as Federal Marketplace Reopens for Millions of Americans
- Governor Cuomo Announces Gestational Surrogacy Now Legal in New York State
- Governor Cuomo Announces Indoor Family Entertainment Centers Can Open March 26, Outdoor Amusement Parks Can Open April 9 & Camps Can Begin to Plan for Summer Opening
- Governor Cuomo Announces 30-Day Amendments to Legislation Establishing Comprehensive Adult-Use Cannabis Program in New York
- Governor Cuomo Announces MTA to Partially Restore Overnight Subway Service
Attorney General Letitia James
- Attorney General James Sues to Shut Down Illegal Cryptocurrency Trading Platform and Virtual Currency, Seeks to Recoup Defrauded Funds for Thousands of Investors
- Attorney General James Files Lawsuit Against Amazon for Failing to Protect Workers During COVID-19 Pandemic
- Attorney General James and State Education Commissioner Rosa Take Action to Support Students Experiencing Homelessness
- Attorney General James Continues Fight to Maintain Safe Access to Reproductive Health Care During COVID-19 Pandemic
Comptroller DiNapoli
- State Comptroller DiNapoli Releases School District Audit, February 18, 2021
- State Comptroller DiNapoli Releases Municipal Audits, February 18, 2021
- DiNapoli: State Tax Revenues $2 Billion Lower Than Last Fiscal Year, February 18, 2021
- DiNapoli: January Local Sales Tax Collections Down 5.9 Percent, February 17, 2021