This Week in the New York State Government: July 17, 2020

Governor Cuomo
- Governor Cuomo Launches National “Mask Up America” Campaign Amid Ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic
- Governor Cuomo Announces Nation-Leading Initiatives to Expand Electric Vehicle Use to Combat Climate Change
- Governor Cuomo Announces Opening of New Sky Flyer Zipline at Lake Placid’s Olympic Jumping Complex
- Governor Cuomo Announces New York State Establishes Two Church Testing Sites in Houston COVID-19 Hotspots
- As Part of New York’s Ongoing Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic, Governor Cuomo Announces Special Health Insurance Enrollment Extension Through NY State of Health Marketplace
State Legislature
- NY Senate, Assembly to Hold Hearings on Coronavirus Impact, Including Nursing Homes
- New York State Senate and Assembly Hold Joint Public Hearing on Redistricting
Attorney General Letitia James
- Attorney General James Renews Suspension of State Debt Collection for Fourth Time as Coronavirus Continues to Impact New Yorkers’ Wallets
- Attorney General James Sues Department of Education for Prioritizing For-Profit Colleges Over Students
- AG James and DA Gonzalez Partner to Expand Housing Protection Initiative
- Attorney General James Stops Sales of “Ghost Guns” Into New York
- New York Wins Lawsuit Against Trump’s EPA’s Inaction on Smog Pollution
- Attorney General James’ Statement on Trump Administration Rescinding Dangerous Directive Threatening to Deport International Students if In-Person Classes Did Not Resume
- Attorney General James Delivers $1.5 Million to Survivors of Sexual Harassment and Retaliation in Construction Industry
- Attorney General James and Governor Cuomo Again Renew Suspension of State Debt Collection as Coronavirus Continues to Impact New Yorkers’ Wallets
- Attorney General James Urges Apple and Google to Take Steps to Protect Consumers Using Coronavirus Contact Tracing Apps
- Attorney General James Announces Election Protection Hotline
- Public Notice: NY AG James Holds Public Hearings on Police and Public Interactions During Protests
Comptroller DiNapoli
- State Comptroller DiNapoli Releases Audits, July 16, 2020
- DiNapoli: June Tax Receipts Down 17.3% From Last Year, July 16, 2020
- DiNapoli Urges New Yorkers to Fill Out 2020 Census Forms, July 15, 2020
- State Comptroller DiNapoli and Rockland D.A. Announce Middletown Man Arraigned on Grand Larceny Charges, July 14, 2020
- DiNapoli: Tax Cap Below Two Percent, July 14, 2020
- DiNapoli Op-Ed in Democrat & Chronicle Calls for Swift Action to Address Growing Food Insecurity, July 14, 2020
This Week in New York City Government