This Week in the New York State Government: July 31, 2020

Governor Cuomo
- Governor Cuomo and Northwell Health Announce New York State Healthcare Personnel to Travel to Utah to Support State’s COVID-19 Response
- Governor Cuomo Announces First in the Nation Drinking Water Standard for Emerging Contaminant 1,4-Dioxane
- Governor Cuomo Announces 12 New York Companies to Start Producing COVID-19 Related Equipment and Supplies to Support In-State Needs
- Governor Cuomo Announces New York Hits New Lows for COVID-19 Hospitalizations, ICU Patients and Intubations
- Governor Cuomo Announces More Than $30 Million to Enhance COVID-19 Contact Tracing and Flu Prevention in Advance of Fall Flu Season
- Governor Cuomo Announces Suspension of 12 Additional New York City Bars’ Liquor Licenses for Egregious Violations of Coronavirus-related Regulations
- Governor Cuomo Announces U.S. Open Championship to Be Held Without Fans from September 14 to September 20 in Mamaroneck
State Legislature
- New York State Legislature Bans Hazardous Waste
- New York State Legislature Wraps Up Rare July Session
Attorney General Letitia James
- Attorney General James Helps Secure Victory for Immigrants Seeking to Enter U.S.
- Attorney General James Stops Trump Administration from Continuing to Implement Public Charge Rule During Coronavirus Pandemic
- Attorney General James Announces $10 Million to Protect Homeowners During COVID-19 Pandemic Crisis
Comptroller DiNapoli
- DiNapoli Op-Ed in Buffalo News Urges Washington to Help Governments Hurt by COVID-19, July 30, 2020
- DiNapoli: State Pension Fund Value $194.3 Billion, July 30, 2020
This Week in New York City Government