This Week in New York City Government
- Tech for New York: Mayor de Blasio Announces 2017 NYC BigApps Winners
- City Hall in Your Borough: Mayor De Blasio Releases Opioid Overdose Prevention App
- City Hall in Your Borough: Mayor de Blasio Announces New Plan to Crack Down on Parking Placard Fraud and Abuse
- New York City Launches Citywide Anti-Discrimination Campaign in Response to Rise in Bias Incidents and Harassment Against Vulnerable New Yorkers
- City Hall in Your Borough: Mayor de Blasio Announces Small Businesses Seeing Fewer Fines, Opening Faster
- City Hall in Your Borough: Mayor de Blasio Kicks Off Week in Bronx with Tour of Hunts Point Terminal Produce Market
- Mayor de Blasio and Fire Commissioner Nigro Announce $30 Million Investment in Bronx FDNY EMS Operations
- First Lady Chirlane McCray, Deputy Mayor Richard Buery and Department of Health Launch Thrive Learning Center
- De Blasio Administration and Citizens Committee Celebrate the 2017 Love Your Block Season with the College Avenue Block Association
- Mayor de Blasio and Local Officials Preview Final Rebuilt Sections of Rockaway Boardwalk, Set to Open Next Week
- City Adopts Comptroller Stringer’s Proposal to Provide Free Sunscreen Dispensers at All City Beaches
- Without Plans, Budgets, or Timelines, Department of Education Spent Hundreds of Millions of Dollars for Internet Upgrades That Left Many Schools with Slow Service
City Council:
- Council to Vote on Fair Work Week Legislative Package and on Assigning Department of Health Letter Grades to Mobile Food Vendors
- Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito and Elected Officials Commend National Puerto Rican Day Parade Board for Recognition of Activity Oscar López Rivera
Borough Electeds:
- Bronx Borough President Diaz Hosts Grand Finale of Bronx Week 2017
- Major New York Leaders and Organizations Join Forces to Ensure Governor Cuomo’s 30% MWBE Goals Are Reached and State Efforts Become a National Model
- 2017 “Only in Queens Summer Festival” to Feature Free SummerStage Concert Starring George Clinton and More
- Staten Island Borough President Oddo Honors EMS Workers at Recognition Event
City Agencies and Citywide:
- Health Department Releases “I Saved a Life” Awareness Campaign
- Health Department Conducts Public Outreach to Warn New Yorkers About the Dangers of Fentanyl
- HPD Awards Project-Based Vouchers to Provide Deeper Affordability in Eight Developments, Including Four in the Bronx
- NYCHA Announces Developer Selection at Holmes Towers for Nextgen Neighborhoods Program, Raising Critically Needed Funds for Repairs and Creating New Affordable Housing
- NYPD Not Assisting U.S. in Detaining Immigrants
- REBNY Nominates Bill Rudin to Succeed Rob Speyer as Chair
- New York Increases Security at Arenas, Transit Hubs Following Manchester Attack
- Sunset Park Recreation Center to Get $4M Facelift
- Former NYC Mayor Bloomberg Puts $75 Million into Shed Arts Center
- Manhattan’s Food Trucks are the Dirtiest in New York City
This Week in New York State Government
Want more news? View previous versions:
- This Week in New York City Government: May 17, 2016
- This Week in New York City Government: May 10, 2016
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