This Week in New York City Government
Mayor de Blasio
- Mayor de Blasio, Schools Chancellor Carranza Announce Adoption of School Diversity Advisory Group Recommendations
- Mayor de Blasio Announces the Formation of Better Buses Advisory Group, Which Takes a Ride on B35 Along Church Avenue
- Ahead of Congressional Hearing, Mayor de Blasio Organizes Nearly 200 Bipartisan Leaders of Local Governments from Across the Country to Urge Congress to Permanently Fully Fund the Victim Compensation Fund for 9/11 Responders
- Statement from Mayor de Blasio on Historic Albany Rent Regulation Bills
- Mayor de Blasio Announces Extending FHV Caps to Protect Hardworking Drivers, Increase Their Pay and Reduce Cruising by Empty Cars in Manhattan
City Comptroller
New York City
This Week in New York State Government
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