This Week in New York State Government
- Governor Cuomo Calls On New York Congressional Delegation To Stop Senate Health Care Bill
- Governor Cuomo Denounces Senate Health Care Bill for Cutting Medicaid Funding Used to Combat Opioid Epidemic
- Governor Cuomo Announces Nearly 150 Underage Drinking Arrests at Summer Concerts and Fire Island
- Governor Cuomo Announces Aetna will Establish Corporate Headquarters in New York City
Attorney General:
- Attorney General Schneiderman Urges FCC To Take Action Against Spoof Robocalls
- Attorney General Schneiderman—Part Of Coalition Of 19 Attorneys General—Sues U.S. Department Of Education For Abandoning Critical Student Protections
- Attorney General Schneiderman Leads Legal Challenge Against EPA Over Toxic Pesticide
Empire State Development Corporation:
- ESD Announces Construction is Underway on Adeline Graham Theatrical Training and Innovation Center in Schenectady
- ESD Announces Adirondack Health Breaks Ground on Lake Placid Health and Medical Fitness Center
This Week in New York City Government
Want more news? View previous versions:
- This Week in New York State Government: June 22, 2017
- This Week in New York State Government: June 14, 2017
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