This Week in New York State Government
Governor Cuomo:
- Governor Cuomo Announces 2018 State of the State Proposals:
- 1st Proposal: Remove Firearms from Domestic Abusers
- 2nd Proposal: Protect the Environment, Protect the Hudson River
- 3rd Proposal: Round Three of the Downtown Revitalization Initiative
- 4th Proposal: Cutting off the Recruitment Pipeline to Eradicate MS-13
- 5th Proposal: Examine Eliminating the Minimum Wage Tip Credit to Strengthen Economic Justice in New York State
- 6th Proposal: Continue to Reduce the Local Property Tax Burden by Making the State’s County Shared Services Panels Permanent
- 7th Proposal: Major Investment to Accelerate Improvements at Niagara Falls Wastewater Treatment Plant
- 8th Proposal: New York Will Take Action to Stop Railcar Storage in the Adirondack Park
- 9th Proposal: Calling on the New York State Common Retirement Fund to Cease All New Investments in Entities with Significant Fossil Fuel-Related Activities and Develop a De-Carbonization Plan for Divesting from Fossil Fuels
- 10th Proposal: Bringing the New York Islanders Home with a Worlds-Class Sports and Entertainment Destination at Belmont Park
- Governor Cuomo Announces 10th Proposal of 2018 State of the State: Bringing the New York Islanders Home with a World-Class Sports and Entertainment Destination at Belmont Park
- Governor Cuomo Announces Launch of Nation’s Most Comprehensive Paid Family Leave Policy
- Governor Cuomo Announces 459 Housing Opportunities for New Yorkers with Developmental Disabilities Across the State
- Governor Cuomo Announces Re-Opening of Two Bridges on I-81 in Onondaga County Following Rehabilitation Projects
- Governor Cuomo Announces $20 Million Awarded to Support Water Quality Protection Projects on New York Livestock Farms
- Governor Cuomo Announces Completion of $56.6 Million Rehabilitation of 320 Affordable Housing Units in Monroe County
- Rush Transcript: Governor Cuomo Holds Conference Call to Discuss the Impact of SALT on New York and Unveil Sixth Proposal of the 2018 State of the State
- Governor Cuomo Announces Launch of Buffalo Billion II Initiative to Support Innovation and Growth for Manufacturers in Western New York
Comptroller DiNapoli:
- Changes in Federal Policies Pose Significant Risks for New York City’s Budget
- State Comptroller DiNapoli Releases Municipal Audits
- DiNapoli Calls For Stepped Up Enforcement of State’s Bottle Bill
- DiNapoli Statement on the Governor’s 9th Proposal for the 2018 State of the State
- New York State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli Statement on Federal Tax Reform
- DiNapoli: Contribute to 529 College Savings Account by Dec. 31 for Tax Benefits
- NYS Comptroller DiNapoli Leads Coalition of Comptrollers & Treasurers Opposing Trump Repeal of Clean Power Plan
Attorney General Schneiderman:
A.G. Schneiderman Announces Arrests In Alleged Cover Up Of White Plains Nursing Home Neglect
A.G. Schneiderman: This Holiday Season, Remember To Be Careful With Your Charitable Giving
AGs To Trump Admin: You Have No Authority To Deny Immigrant Women Abortion Access
This Week in New York City Government
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