This Week in New York State Government
Governor Cuomo:
- Governor Cuomo Outlines FY 2019 Budget: Realizing the Promise of Progressive Government
- Video, Audio & Rush Transcript: Governor Cuomo Outlines FY 2019 Budget: Realizing the Promise of Progressive Government
- Governor Cuomo Announces Major Step in Closing Carried Interest Loophole with New “Fairness Fix” to Ensure Justice for New York Taxpayers
- Governor Cuomo Announces $5.5 Million in Grant Opportunities Available to Support New Farmland Protection Initiatives Statewide
- Governor Cuomo Announces Launch of Program to Renovate “Zombie” Properties and Increase Homeownership in Schenectady
- ICYMI: State Department of Taxation and Finance Releases Report Outlining Options to Reform State Tax Law
- Governor Cuomo Announces Groundbreaking on $14 Million Centerpiece Project of Elmira Downtown Revitalization Initiative
- Governor Cuomo and Attorney General Schneiderman File Complaint, Act to Compel U.S. EPA to Protect State’s Air Quality
- Governor Cuomo Announces Operational Opening of State’s 10th Emergency Stockpile in Western New York
- ICYMI: Governor Cuomo Op-Ed: The Way to a More Just New York State
- VIDEO, AUDIO & RUSH TRANSCRIPT: Governor Cuomo Delivers Remarks at National Action Network King Day Public Policy Forum
- Governor Cuomo Issues Letter Calling on U.S. Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke to Exempt New York from Offshore Drilling Plan
- Governor Cuomo Announces Groundbreaking of $30 Million Affordable Housing Development in Suffolk County
Comptroller DiNapoli:
- DiNapoli: One of the Nation’s Largest Energy Suppliers Agrees to Report on Climate Change Risk
- State Comptroller DiNapoli Releases School Audits
- State Comptroller DiNapoli Releases Audits
- New York State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli Statement on Executive Budget Proposal
Attorney General Schneiderman:
This Week in New York City Government
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