This Week in New York State Government
Governor Cuomo:
- Governors Cuomo, Malloy, Murphy and Raimondo Announced the Formation of the New “States for Gun Safety” Coalition to Combat Gun Violence
- New York’s Congressional Delegation Endorses Governor Cuomo’s Women’s Agenda for New York
- Governor Cuomo Announces New Ad Campaign to Raise Awareness of Addiction Services in New York State
- Governor Cuomo Announces $4.5 Million Available to Expand Addiction Treatment Services in the Bronx and Brooklyn
- Governor Cuomo Announces $400,000 Award to Rehabilitate Vacant Single-Family Homes in the City of Syracuse
- Governor Cuomo Announces New York State Grown & Certified Program Expands to Maple Industry
- Governor Cuomo Announces Lowest Adult Smoking Rates in New York State History
- Governor Cuomo Takes Action to Help Local Governments Improve Health Insurance Options and Address Rising Health Costs
- Governor Cuomo Announces Smart Street Lighting NY Program for all Municipalities Across the State
- Civil Rights and Criminal Justice Leaders Endorse Governor Cuomo’s 2018 Criminal Justice Agenda
- Governor Cuomo Announces Ribbon Cutting and Grand Reopening of the Historic Hotel Saranac
Comptroller DiNapoli:
- Comptroller DiNapoli and A.G. Schneiderman Announce Arrest of Former New York City Council Candidate Albert Alvarez
- DiNapoli: NYC Experiencing Record Job Growth
Attorney General Schneiderman:
This Week in New York City Government
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